Well, Election Day is upon us. Everyone has been asking me how I think this will turn out. I still think that Janet Nguyen has a distinct advantage as the only remaining woman in the race. In fact her campaign spent the evening taking potted plants to women who had not voted. It worked for Joe Dunn!
It appears that Trung Nguyen’s forces our out doing all kinds of scandalous things, which it is hard to account for, however I don’t see him doing any better than he did in the two races he lost last year. Tom Umberg panicked at the end, and Carlos Bustamante crawled to the finish line as his campaign utterly failed to excite Latinos.
Here’s my fearless forecast:
1.2% Kermit “Vote for Carlos” Marsh
2.2 Brett “Carlos Sucks” Franklin
3% Lupe “Tancredo-Mobile” Moreno
3.1% Larry “TV Producer” Phan
8.7% Benny Diaz
13.1% Carlos “Space Command” Bustamante
13.5% Mark “Tom Sucks” Rosen
15.2% Trung “Photoshop” Nguyen
25.3% “Cardboard” Tom Umberg
28.2 Janet Nguyen
Don’t forget to vote today if you haven’t already done so!
Not a snowballs chance in hell Rosen get more votes that Bustamante.
Intentionally incorrectly spelling his name AGAIN? Art, have you taken your meds today? Party too hard with Sean & the other left-wingers last night?
The photo of you so comfortably in between two pro-illegal immigrant activists like Sean & Claudio is CLASSIC!! I almost thought for a second that you were pro-illegal immigrant also. But then I remembered how you regularly rip Lupe & the volunteers who try to improve security on our borders & I came to the realization that you ARE pro-illegal immigrant.
Time to switch the “R” to the “D” , Art. Until then, you are simply being dishonest with yourself.
Your left out the majority – those who will not bother to vote at all because they don’t care enough!
Wow, the total of the voting percent is 113.5 in this article and that makes me question all the predictions here. I also wonder who gets the additional 13.5% of the vote?
Poster 3,
Oops! Oh well, I figure the extra votes will go to Trung “Voter Fraud” Nguyen…