Senator Conan the Barbarian

For those who were able to catch the 30 second sound bites of the
“Black Tie” Dinner in Sacramento on local television stations….you were
probably wondering: Why weren’t the whole proceedings broadcast on
C-Span? Why did the Inaugural include more Democrats than Republicans?
Why did all the coverage look remarkably similar? Why did the “Governor
elect” make a brief appearance, with crutches and all, only to say that
the days of partisan politics in California were over?

So, what does this all mean? Are we going to give Driver’s Licenses to
“illegal immigrants” after all? Are we going to “spend and spend and
spend” till we spend ourselves out of debt? Can we fold the Republican
caucus and just call it…..the “People’s Republic of California” again?
Should we look back lovingly at the days of Gray Davis….when at least
the cost of our monthly Edison bill was one third of what it is now? Can
we now say that Public Employee Pensions and Retiree benefits will
accelerate to at least double of what they are now…before Governor
Arnold leaves office in 2010?

But hey, what was this Inaugural Coronation Display all about? He had
Paul Anka sing “My Way”…..and got the duet thing going long enough to
sing “My Way” off key twice. The Black Tie event reminded us of the
Washington Press Corps dinner. We were waiting for the Arnold Roast to highlight the event….but we suppose that will come maybe next year.
The self-aggrandizing hubris however was greatly in evidence.
The Kum-By-Ya Liberialism and feel good, happy to be Bi-Partisan,
Yum Yums was sickening.

So, what is our Governor up to now? Well, let’s ask ourselves a couple of questions: If you had just been elected for four years and you know you
are out on term limits….in 2010…….what seat might you be looking at?
If you wanted the endorsement of Senator Feinstein and Boxer…..and you
were a “so-called RINO” Governor……looking to run for the Senate in 2012
– what would you do? Additionally, wasn’t this a great time to grab all your Hollywood supporters….give them the Black Tie treatment, limit accessibility
of the press and make those liberal checkbooks “Open Sesame”?

Come on, Mayor Rudy looks a lot better than McCain as the Republican
that will be running against Hillary in 2008. The so-called liberal
credentials of Giuliani are not going to be a detriment to his race….so why
not for Governor Arnold too? The problem is….the Kennedy connection. It worked well for Governor of California, but it will not work well for Senator.
The chances are that McClintock would beat Arnold in the Senatorial
Primary in 2012. The bets will be off for 2012….and the lovely Maria will not
be a plus should Arnold try to run as a Republican. He can of course, change
Party and become the Democratic candidate for Senate. The changing of
colors will however… a “wag the dog” scenario….that not even Arnold’s
current supporters could gag down their gullets.

Buyer’s remorse always occurs after every election, but in this case the results have been almost instantaneous. We are glad of course that Phil and Cruz
got beaten…..but now is the time for Republicans everywhere… look to
Mel Gibson, Tom Selleck or Bruce Willis as our next superstar hero…to be Governor of California.
The Swartz………
can now look to the Democrats and Teddy Kennedy for sustenance. After all,
they are all Family!

About Ron & Anna Winship

Independent News Producers/Writers and Directors for Parker-Longbow Productions. Independent Programming which includes a broad variety of Political, Entertainment and Professional Personalities. Cutting Edge - a talk the flagship of over 30 URL websites developed or under development. The Winships have been blogging for the Orange Juice since back when nickels had buffalos on them, and men wore onions attached to their belts, because it was the fashion back then.