Don’t miss tonight’s OC Supervisorial Candidate’s Forum! The Orange Juice team will be there in full force – with a digital video camera.
This meeting is an absolute MUST for all of the Supervisorial candidates! I will be taking to task ANY candidate who blows off this meeting. Do not ask Santa Ana voters for their support if you cannot take the time to be there tonight!
Here are the meeting details, courtesy of the OC Register’s Political Datebook:
7 p.m. League of Women Voters of Central Orange County will host a forum for the First District supervisor candidates. The First District serves the cities of Santa Ana, Garden Grove, Westminster and County island of Midway City. City of Santa Ana Council Chambers 20 Civic Center Plaza, Santa Ana. For further information, call 714-245-0567
Will tonight’s debate be televised on Santa Ana’s Channel 3?
Poster 1,
No. But I will be putting my video up on and linking to it.
“League of Women Voters of Central Orange County will host a forum for the First District supervisor candidates.”
The same senile people who have no knowledge of the English language?… Huh?
I recall that during the Council 2006 debate, I was brutally cut off by old man for allegedly making hate speech against Miguel Pulido when I made statement: “Love Santa Ana more than you hate Miguel Pulido” while addressing 10,000 of my supporters.
Therefore, I will pass tonight.
However, these debates are good entertainment and so I’ll be back in 2008.
Ooooooo, I’ll bet the candidates are all shaking in their boots that Art Pedroza will “take them to task” if they don’t show up!
I can predict Pedroza’s spin after the forum; it will be that whoever came only did so out of fear of Pedroza’s mighty sword and we can all be thankful and grateful that he walks among us.
Get over yourself Pedroza, you’re a ‘Never has been’ and ‘Never will be’ – except in your own mind, of course.
Get off the sidelines and jump in the game.
I predict Janet will totally dominate the debates from start to finish and that Bustamonte will cry at some point due to the disclosure of certain facts with proof about his youth.
I heard Janet wasn’t showing up.
I hope the video is good cause I don’t think I will be able to go.
Janet won’t be there tonight. None of us here at the OJ are very happy about it. Oh well. Lost opportunity for her.
We will be taping tonight with a high quality digital video camera. We are not using the salad cam. Ryan will be manning the camera as he is an award-winning filmmaker. Who knew?
Whaaaaaaat? Your Janet won’t be there, even under your orders?. Well I assume you are a man of your word….and will be taking her to task!
Janet may be afraid that the people who ‘rioted’ last year might show up