I just spoke to a Democrat insider who said that apparently the Red County/OC Blog translation of a press release issued in Vietnamese by Janet Nguyen was skewed to make her sound racist. I am trying to get my hands on an objective translation.
I should have known better than to trust the author of that post, Mark Leyes. He has endorsed Carlos Bustamante. Clearly he has a vested interest in hurting Janet.
Don’t believe it. Jubal is always very forthright in all his dealings. Right..Jubal works for John Lewis so this type of thing should be expected. When you suck off the tit of the John Lewis money cow sometimes you have to pat it on the back.
I’m working on getting this translated by a non-politico as well. If I get it before you, I’ll share…and I hope the reverse is true too.
You’re insane. Earlier today you were claiming the Bustamante campoaign was behind me posting the Trung Nguyen Photoshop story — when in fact it was the Janet Nguyen campaign that provided me with the information.
You’re a Janet Nguyen partisan, yet you expect readers to believe everything your say is perfectly objective and true.
Mark Leyes has endorsed Carlos, and yet that means the translation he posted must be bogus — and all because some Democrat told you so!
Mark’s coverage of the race has been head-and-shoulders above your in terms of depth, sophistication, comprehensiveness AND FAIRNESS.
If you want someone to blame for the “We musn’t elect a Mexican” press release, blame Janet Nguyen. Mark and I didn’t write it.
And for the hundredth time, Anonynous, I don’t work for John Lewis and haven’t since August 1994.
And for the hundredth time, Jubal, you did. And that’s the point.
Thank you! If my sources can come up with a good translation, I will of course offer it to your readers as well. One way or another we are going to get to the bottom of this.
No, I am not insane. Let’s see what my translators and Lawson’s translators can come up with. If Leyes purposefully used a bad translation to make Janet look worse, then you guys have some explaining to do.
As for my support for Janet, you know full well I am also supporting Benny Diaz. I have not hidden that from anyone. And I have chastised her for the tone of her mailers. You know that as well.
You know what
The only set up here is the one Janet has done to herself.
She associates herself with the likes of Shawn Steel, so I’m not surprised that she is playing from the Republican play book called “The Politics of Division.”
If a white candidate were to make these statements about Latinos or Vietnamese, you would be all over this, spewing outrage.
Anyway you slice it, Janet has shown her true colors and has resorted to ethnic division to try to find victory in this election.
This is really sad, but I guess she is desperate.
Claudio will be writing a post tonight about this whole mess. He has had the press release translated by an objective third party. I look forward to his post.
BTW, I don’t think Janet is a racist – although her comments don’t help – it is my understanding that her consultant, Dave Gilliard, has little love for Mexicanos. I knew that guy was going to be trouble…
If Janet hired him, she probably knew where Gilliard was coming from. She is therefore responsible.
Wasn’t the first supervisorial originally drawn as a Latino seat? Perhaps the demographics have changed.
No matter, the First District needs a Supervisor who will bring this diverse population together and not exclude anyone.
Dosen’t look like Trung or Janet fit the bill.