Free Civil Liberty Symposium coming to Chapman School of Law

There is an interesting learning opportunity coming up at Chapman’s School of Law. Here are the details:

Your “Right to Remain Silent!”January 26, Symposium at Orange County’s Chapman School of Law to address key civil liberty issues, Miranda & the War on Terror and Corporate Crime.

Keynote lunch speech by former U.S. Attorney General Edwin Meese. FREE to the general public.

Attorneys receive 6 CLE credits for just $125. Government and non-profits only $100! Lunch event $45.

WHEN:Friday, January 26, 9:00am-5:30pm, followed by reception.


Panel 1 (9:00-10:30 am): Miranda and the War on Terror: interrogationtactics employed; the state of civil liberties in warfare, and themultifarious meaning of “warfare.”Stephen F. Rohde; Ronald J. Rychlak; Joan L. Larsen; M. Katherine B. Darmer. Moderator: Marisa S. Cianciarulo.

Panel 2 (10:45-12:15 pm): Miranda, The Media, and Public Access toInformation: mass media’s impact on our understanding of civil liberties;media scrutiny impact on high profile investigations, such the recent Scooter Libby indictment. Jim Fleissner; Sam Kamin; Russell Covey; Jeremy M. Miller. Moderator: Sherri Burr.

Lunch (12:30-1:45 pm), with Keynote Address by Edwin Meese III, FormerU.S. Attorney General “A Republic, If You Can Keep It”: whether the constitution is a foundation or a trampoline, and whether the Supreme Court is taking over war-making powers.

Panel 3 (2:00-3:45 pm): Miranda in Modern Practice: Does it Protect the Innocent or the Guilty?: Miranda is designed to prevent coercedconfessions. After 40 years, does it actually achieve this purpose? Mark A. Godsey; Steven B. Duke; Janine Y. Kim; Paul Shechtman; Lawrence Rosenthal. Moderator: Donald J. Kochan.

Panel 4 (4:00-5:30 pm) – Miranda and Corporate Crime: What is Miranda’s rolefollowing corporate scandals such as Enron? Do new laws governing”corporate insiders” violate civil liberties? Roman E. Darmer; Keith P. Bishop; J. Kelly Strader; Steve Goorvitch;Thomas E. Holliday. Moderator: Henry N. Butler.

TO REGISTER: Please contact Chapman Law Review by January 22, at 714-628-2582, or

About Admin

"Admin" is just editors Vern Nelson, Greg Diamond, or Ryan Cantor sharing something that they mostly didn't write themselves, but think you should see. Before December 2010, "Admin" may have been former blog owner Art Pedroza.