I has a good laugh today when I read that Trung Nguyen, the “Trannie” candidate for the First Supervisorial District, is condemning Paul Lucas for comments he made regarding the Vietnam War. Go to OC Blog and read for yourself. It is hilarious and desperate.
I agree for the most part with what Lucas said. Candidates like Nguyen are quick to dredge up the ghosts of commies past – but I still don’t know where he stands on the issues facing us in the 1st District. Shouldn’t he focus on what matters now and now what happened several decades ago?
Incidentally, I have asked Lucas to join our blog team here at the Orange Juice. I look forward to his perspective on the political happenings in Little Saigon and the O.C. westside in general.
In related news, Nguyen is claiming that his campaign office was burglarized over the Christmas holiday, according to OC Blog. Apparently he was targeted while he was out walking precincts and offending his Christian voters. Some bloggers feel that Nguyen robbed himself in order to get free press. I will leave that judgment to our readers. However, his actions this week indicate that he is adopting a victim identity as a candidate. That is pathetic, to say the least.
Nguyen’s actions might resonate in the Vietnamese community, but he is going to become the butt of jokes in the rest of the OC if he keeps this up.
But does Trung have the fire in the belly to go all the way? Or is it just a puff of smoke up our collective butts?
Big Woo,
I am guessing the latter…
If he is such a conservative then why did he even RSVP… Also he has Democrats endorsing him as well as giving him money… Yeah Right he also viloated the county contibutions rules and will get fined and have to give back half his money for not following the rules. Candidates can’t except money from other candidates committees. Sorry Trung you should follow the rules. I’m suprised the rest of the trannies don’t know the rules.