Thank you Riverside County..New toll lanes on 91 freeway

How sweat it is. According to the front page of today’s OC Register our brotherly neighbor to the east, Riverside County, has just announced plans to widen the 91 freeway. They plan to add not one but TWO toll lanes in each direction from the Orange County line along with one non toll lane ending at Interstate 15. So while we address the need to provide SR 91 traffic relief when they come to OC and approve Measure M, with the 91 being our top priority, we will now get a double hit as many will pay the toll in addition to another 30 years of Measure M taxes.
I seem to recall my suggesting we wait on Measure M to see the outcome of Propositions 1A and 1B which may be the funding sources for a chunk of this expansion.

Yes, I do recognize that traffic is bi-directional. Those of us living in LA and OC also travel through Riverside County on our way to Palm Springs or Lost Wages.

In truth we need to keep an open mind regarding future freeway congestion relief. former Transportation Sec Norman Mineta and others have been saying for months that the future solution to congestion will entail partnerships with the private sector which translated means more toll roads.

And for the readers. Having just approved Measure M for the next 30 years what is your position on paying tolls on roads in southern CA?

About Larry Gilbert