The Daily Pilot today……revealed that there were openings
on both the Planning and Parks & Recreation Commissions
in Costa Mesa. If you are a voting citizen with a Costa Mesa
address you might want to go through the process. Anyone
who hasn’t applied for City Commissions and Boards may get
a real education. Here in Newport Beach….the chances of getting
a position on a board or commission seat is generally directly
related to “how much and how many” you have dedicated to one
or more of the sitting Council person’s re-election committees.
As cynical as it sounds, we know….but after that 6th rejected “gets the idea”….you may not be first pick.
So, if you have a plucky personality and are very brave…..get on
down to the Costa Mesa City Hall standing tall and proud as punch
….and put in that qualified application.
For those who have never been to the Costa Mesa City Hall….
the address is: 77 Fair Drive….and make sure to get there by
5PM, December 27th, 2006.
Tell them Ron & Anna from Newport Beach sent you!
I know Spitzer well. He will never pursue it any farther.
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