We have all been waiting a long time to see what O.C. Sheriff Mike Carona had in mind for his opponent, Lt. Bill Hunt. Now we know, thanks to an article in today’s O.C. Register. Hunt was busted down all the way to patrol – one level up from entry level. Disgraceful. Rather than accept the horrible and vindictive demotion, which would have also included a transfer to Stanton, Hunt opted to retire. Good for him. I hope he stays in law enforcement in some capacity.
I cannot even begin to voice my absolute disgust with Carona and his handlers. Those of you who want to pay him back right away, please consider that his right-hand henchman, GOP powerbroker Michael Schroeder, is backing Trung Nguyen for the First Supervisorial District. Every vote you don’t cast for Nguyen will be a message to Carona and company that you don’t agree with what they did to Hunt.
Carona’s actions will discourage anyone else in his department from taking him on in the future. That is deplorable. He should not get away with this – but he will. While former Hunt campaign manager Tim Whitacre once spoke about recalling Carona, I can’t see him actually going through with it.
There are dozens of reasons to dislike Carona – but this latest move tops them all. He will go down in history as the most corrupt and unethical sheriff in our county’s history. If you would like to let Carona know how you feel about his latest faux pas, please email him at occommune@ocsd.org.
What’s wrong with the city of Stanton?
Poster 1,
Stanton has a much higher crime rate than Hunt’s old beat. Carona sent him there to get whacked, in my opinion. Hunt was too smart for that.
Hunt lives far down in south OC. Stanton is north OC. About the worst possible commute, to the worst possible job Carona could arrange. Add to this an undoubtedly lousy future in the department – of course Hunt is going to retire. No point continuing in the department.
Yes, this stinks.
Hunt is a lady!
If he decided to take on Corona he should have known that the USA democracy is nonexistent.
Same as a Lawyer can’t run against a sitting Judge no employ can run against his superior.
That is unwritten law!
Same as in my Woodside Village HOA, I ran for the board and since than 50 tires were slashes on my car plus $50.00 fine every second week.
I believe that instead of focusing on SA gangs, Michele Martinez should focus her effort on real gangs like Sheriffs, Judges and HOAs.
Your an idiot.
Shut up and go away.
Should not the county supervisors step in and censor the sheriff?
You are a liberal goofball that has no clue what is going on! The fact that you side with this ego-maniac is proof.
Any fool that would run against an imcumbant Sheriff is fool enough. But an employee that does it, shows how little gray matter he maintains. Just look at that silly grin on this bafoon!
Art you’re as much as a moron as this goober is!
So where is profanity in this post?
Why are you not posting my speech Pedroza?
Do I must submit a questioner like this with all my posts?
Are you melancholic again?
#6 stated: “Ms.Martinez’s focus on gangs is within the purview of her duties as an elected council member of Santa Ana. She, as well as her other council members, have no jurisdication over the Sheriff’s dept., judges or HOA’s.”
I do understand that council members and the mayor usually serve as the symbolic figures.
However, they have bully pulpit and my come up with a resolutions which may motivate public to force changes re Sheriff’s dept., Judges and HOA’s.
See example of: RESOLUTION NO. 2003-03, a Resolution declaring the position of the City of Tonasket in affirmation of, belief in, and support for the State and Federal Constitutional Rights of the Citizenry.
Art: Why do you always assume that I am the one deleting your posts?
It is your blog!
Art: I only delete them when you use bad words.
Show me the bad words?
Art: Rest assured however that several of my co-bloggers have no love for you.
In other words your co-bloggers are haters!
Art: My guess is that some of them delete anything you post, just out of principle.
Censure ship by hate.
Only socialist can do that.
Are you calling yourself a republican?
Art: I can’t help you there.
Are you condoning hate?
Art: Try to stick to the topics you are responding to, and don’t use F-bombs, and you might get approved more often than not.
It is only your imagination!
Snap out of your melancholy.
You and your co-bloggers are not any different from sheriff Corona so why are you criticize him?
Pedroza, you are a sick hater!
Well, I do have a bad cold at the moment…so you are half-right, which is par for the course amigo.