It hit the fan today in Santa Ana, as the Orange County Cops organization sent out a blistering letter to Rene Paquin of the Firemen’s Benevolent Association of Santa Ana, in the wake of the mailer that hit the streets yesterday, touting Tino Rivera as the candidate endorsed by OC COPS, the Firemen, etc.
Here’s what the letter read, in part, “The most significant problem with the mailer is that your organization knew that OC COPS not endorsed candidate Rivera and you proceeded to engage in a mass mailing of the piece, fraudulently using the strength and public image of our organization to intentionally deceive and defraud the voters of Orange County.”
The letter also states “Your actions, with regard to the mailer in question, constitute serious and intentional violations of the California Election Code and the Orange County Campaign Reform Ordinance.”
There are many questions worth pondering:
- How could this happen?
- Was it intentional?
- Did Mayor Miguel Pulido have anything to do with this?
- Is Rivera’s campaign foundering? Is this a sign of desperation?
My guess is that the firemen will have to buy an ad over the weekend explaining their “mistake.” But that isn’t enough. They should have to hand-deliver a written apology to each voter who received the mailer in question.
The fraudulent mailer should be denounced by everyone – and the OC District Attorney ought to investigate the entire matter. I for one do not think an error like this is possible – this was likely planned and now it is going to hurt Rivera – just as the voters are going to the polls. Looks like Pulido won’t get his puppet elected in Ward 2.
I got a couple of those mailers, I am waiting for the hand delivered retraction
I thought this got sent last night, but it still does not appear, so I guess it didn’t go through.
I am the consultant that was responsible for that mailer. It was not a plot..It was an error! That’s right..just human error!
There is no doubt that it was my responsibility to catch that error and I failed. There is no excuse and I take full personal responsibility.
I have been in this business for 20+ years and this is the first time I have ever made this type of error.
There is no way I would have done this on purpose.I have worked with the police and sheriffs for years and have a good relationship with them. I have worked for the Santa Ana Firefighters PAC for years and would never ever use their name to do something like this.
I have been attempting to purchase ad space in the Register to do a correction, but they are sold out for Sunday and Monday and refuse to carry my ad on Tuesday because it’s “political”.
I am investigating other methods to correct this and am paying for the correction out of my own pocket because I made an error.
Debra Fritz
Ms Fritz.
I just spoke with someone over at the register and they do indeed have space.
Its a newspaper for God’s sake and they can just add another full page.
The full page you should buy to inform the public that you intentionally lied and broke the law to misguide voters into thinking that your client was indeed endorsed by the police and fire.
It appears that the Mayor has recruited a group of thiefs and liars who will take money from those with business before the city, lie about endorsements and remove the adress from a Megans Law website all in an attempt to decieve.
I called over at the OC Register to confirm ad space and they confirmed that there is Ad space available.
Let’s make sure that the ad is not buried some obsolete section. Let’s also hand deliver to all the voter this mailer targeted a retraction.
Tonto Rivera strikes again. It’s amazing that Rivera is getting any traction in this campaign. I still certain he will lose, but it’s amazing he’s been able to get this far. Let’s chalk it up to the Mayor’s endorsement and nothing else.
Stay silent until the end Tonto so you don’t further embarass youself.
Oh, and get rid of that horrible hair piece you’ve been sporting.
Thanks champ.
Hey Paranoid Pedroza, did this answer your question about the Mayor’s involvement???
Post #6 . What are you reffering to?
The last time I saw you, when Evangeline Gawronski and her husband attended the last OC GOP Central Committee meeting, you told her that you are supporting her. However it seems that you are essentially providing cover for Tino Rivera, one of her Democrat opponents, now. Are you now supporting him again? Please clarify.
Also, you wrote that “Responsibility has been taken and corrective measures were promplty put in place.” However, what about taking steps to inform the voters that this was an alleged mistake? At the very least each voter should be contacted personally and handed a letter of correction – before the election. And an ad should be purchased in the OC Register. Anything less will be insufficient.
“Did Mayor Miguel Pulido have anything to do with this?”
Debra Fritz if the Santa Ana Firefighters union hack who was handed the well paying job of DEFENDING the blight known as vendors trucks.
She was Pulido’s point person and they met regularly.
He says jump, she ask’s how high.
“How could this happen?”
Whitacre would love us all to believe that it was “human error”, yet he and all his Democrat clients did not buy that excuse from Tan and you should not buy it from Mr Rivera.
“I also received a very well done piece of mail today, which shows him endorsed by everyone on the Council”
Do you mean the forced endorsements from those who Mayor Pulido prevented from running for Mayor? Or when Councilmember Garcia states ” I join the Chamber of Commerce in endorsing Tino”
Are you aware that is against the law?
Another law broken by a Pulido puppet.
Non Profit Chamber of Commerce’s are FORBIDDEN by law from endoesing candidates.
They may educate, but are FORBIDDEN by law from endorsing.
“a copy of the bad mailer is posted on the marlite board with bold writing instructing everyone who comes across it to NOT use it and discard it.”
That should be seen by what? Pulido and Carlos when they saunter in later to shake down the Union for more cash.
Look for GIANT raises to come from this council of crooks if they do in fact get elected.
An apology has been issued. Can we all please get back to the issues? This petty flyer debate is boring me.
Desperate people use desperate tactics.
Yes, Tonto, hide behind your consultant and that hair piece.
This election and this candidate in particular disgust me.
If I could vote a hundred times it would be for Tish and Michelle. …anyone but Tonto.