Should SCE use ratepayer funds to promote city council candidates?

Let’s talk about it!

Should SCE/Edison International use ratepayer funds to promote city council candidates when said donations exceed $1,000 in one cycle?

To oppose Diane Greenwood, a candidate in the Mission Viejo city council race, Edison International sent all three incumbents last minute ratepayer funds to defeat the founder of NOPE, “No Overhead Power Lines by Edison.” Diane was, and remains, outspoken as to her concerns relating to new overhead power lines added in her neighborhood and directly over a major park frequented by hundreds of children.

On the city of Mission Viejo’s web site, under the department of city clerk, you can verify that late contributions from Edison International, dated Nov 6, 2006, appear on 497 Forms from three incumbents as follows: John Paul Ledesma $2,000, Lance MacLean $2,000 and Trish Kelley $1,250.Around that same date, Councilmembers Ledesma and MacLean, who were not campaigning as a slate, joined together and installed yard signs around the city opposing Diane Greenwood and another candidate.

I would be curious to learn if SCE was as generous with any other city council candidates around the County. Were their last minute contributions due to a concern that Diane Greenwood might create concerns for SCE if elected? At the close of the early returns she was in third place of three open seats. I am certain that these signs, paid for with SCE funds, impacted her race where her lead disappeared and she is now trailing by 96 votes.

About Larry Gilbert