Let’s talk about it!
Should SCE/Edison International use ratepayer funds to promote city council candidates when said donations exceed $1,000 in one cycle?
To oppose Diane Greenwood, a candidate in the Mission Viejo city council race, Edison International sent all three incumbents last minute ratepayer funds to defeat the founder of NOPE, “No Overhead Power Lines by Edison.” Diane was, and remains, outspoken as to her concerns relating to new overhead power lines added in her neighborhood and directly over a major park frequented by hundreds of children.
On the city of Mission Viejo’s web site, under the department of city clerk, you can verify that late contributions from Edison International, dated Nov 6, 2006, appear on 497 Forms from three incumbents as follows: John Paul Ledesma $2,000, Lance MacLean $2,000 and Trish Kelley $1,250.Around that same date, Councilmembers Ledesma and MacLean, who were not campaigning as a slate, joined together and installed yard signs around the city opposing Diane Greenwood and another candidate.
I would be curious to learn if SCE was as generous with any other city council candidates around the County. Were their last minute contributions due to a concern that Diane Greenwood might create concerns for SCE if elected? At the close of the early returns she was in third place of three open seats. I am certain that these signs, paid for with SCE funds, impacted her race where her lead disappeared and she is now trailing by 96 votes.
Sure would be nice if SCE focused on the consumer struggling to deal with bills that have doubled and tripled for many residential users. A focus on cutting costs would be nice, instead of their self-promoting and probably costly ads on t.v. and making political contributions – then again this company often provides a soft landing in the form of a well-paying job for a termed out or otherwise displaced elected type, so it is unlikely the company will change its political spots. Advertisements touting the company’s cost containment efforts would be a welcome change however! Is Reed Royalty one of their hired lobbyists?
Anonymous 1.
Having attended one of Reed Royalty’s OC Taxpayers meetings I do recall seeing a representative of SCE in attendance.
As such they are probably members in good standing.
(this company often provides a soft landing in the form of a well-paying job for a termed out or otherwise displaced elected type)
Just ask Gaddi Vasquez, former VP of public relations for SCE and former Chairman and Chief Bankrupter of the OC BOS/County of Orange who was declared incompetent by the grand jury for his role in the county of Orange’s 1995 bankruptcy, he resigned as chairman of the county Board of Supervisors “to spend more time with my family.” He then joined Southern California Edison, but when the deregulation Fit hit the Shan there, he left “to spend more time with my family.” After pumping $100,000 in unspent supervisor campaign cash into the GOP in 2000, he was appointed by Dubya (over the howls of Peace Corps veterans) to head the agency.
He was also called “a rising star in the GOP” …….
Sound like anyone we all know?
Thomas sounds like a comparison of both Van Tran and o r Chris Norby.
If you look at all the folks that have held the SCE External Affairs positions over the past 15 years, you’re head will spin.
They hire both former electeds and former staffers to electeds. Anyone they think will be able to help influence decision makers.
Some stay for years and years, others move on as soon as they find something else that pays better..or another job on the government payroll.
How long does Gray Davis have to wait before he can start work at SCE?
Could it be that Diane Greenwood lost because she was one of only two Republicans in Orange County endorsed by the left wing Sierra Club and League of Conservation Voters? Or could it be the fact she wants to tax M.V homeowners up to $600 per year for 20 years to bury the power lines? Or maybe because she changed from democrat to Republican Party less than six months before running for office? Why is it that liberals always have to blame big business or the right wing for their loses? One last thought,Frank Ury should explain to Republicans why he endorsed liberal enviro’s for City Council.Frank Ury and the Sierra Club teaming up is funny. With that team one has to wonder who is the fox and who is the hen.
Anonymous #7.
Nice try Mr.Insider baseball.
Perhaps you might answer my basic question.
Does SCE make a routine practice of using ratepayer money for city council races in excess of $1,000 in one calendar year? The better question is should they, especially when they continue to hit us with rate increases?
Nice try Larry. Your slate lost once again but I see on another post you are attemping to take credit for the new SJC councilmen.
Anonymous 10:34 a.m.
You are so sadly mistaken. However I do expect you to continue your efforts to discredit my non compensated political activism.
What slate? Hundreds of voters received my Larry’s Pix as they do every election. I did NOT recommend any candidates in the 2006 Mission Viejo city council race which I believe you are referring to, nor did I have a slate, unless that is you’re referring to Prop 90 and Measure M. You bet that was my slate.
As to the race in San Juan. My job as a blogger is to cover issues that may be of interest to the Orange County Juice readers. I added the story in San Juan due to it’s outcome. I am not taking credit for the winners. In fact, I have met both of the incumbents who lost but none of the victors.
Spending over 70 hours per week on Prop 90 and Measure M kept me somewhat occupied?
Instead of attacking me why don’t you solve your affordable housing problem and come back with some real solutions.