Pulido’s gambit fails for lack of quorum – but he is not giving up

I just got an update from Santa Ana’s City Hall. Apparently Mayor Miguel Pulido, and Council Members Alberta Christy and Carlos “Bello” Bustamante were the only ones that showed up to the meeting – which meant that they had no quorum. It sure looks like Bustamante and Christy were ready to ratify the new deal with the firefighters.

Mike Garcia was a no-show, and when Claudia Alvarez and Lisa Bist found out he would not be there, they didn’t show either. The meeting has been rescheduled for this Thursday, at 6 p.m.

I also found out that the “emergency” that Pulido cited was the fact that the Police and SEIU contracts are going to be voted on this coming Monday, at the regularly scheduled City Council meeting. Apparently Pulido wanted to pass a new deal for the firefighters in advance of Monday’s meeting. Why the rush? I understand that the current deal with the firefighters is good through 2008. Sounds like payback to me.

As for the issue of Jose Solorio’s seat on the City Council, apparently we won’t learn the fate of that until Thursday, at the earliest. But the item was not on the agenda for tonight’s meeting. I don’t know if Pulido will try to appoint someone on Thursday, or if he even can. Nor do I know if he will try to do so on Monday. We certainly need to keep up the pressure.

Now that we have until Thursday, we all need to call City Hall and voice our displeasure with the bogus “emergency” meeting on Thursday. We also need to reiterate that we want a special election to replace Solorio in Ward 1. Nothing less will suffice.

About Admin

"Admin" is just editors Vern Nelson, Greg Diamond, or Ryan Cantor sharing something that they mostly didn't write themselves, but think you should see. Before December 2010, "Admin" may have been former blog owner Art Pedroza.