Pulido to try to get his way again on Thursday

Santa Ana Mayor Miguel Pulido will try again on Thursday to convene an “emergency” city council meeting in order to grant a new contract to the Santa Ana Firefighter’s union – even though their current contract runs through the year 2008.

Pulido was unable to convene a meeting earlier this week, when Council members Claudia Alvarez, Lisa Bist and Mike Garcia skipped the meeting, and outgoing Santa Ana councilman Jose Solorio was not allowed to participate via a phone call from Sacramento.

I am also hearing that Solorio can indeed resign from the council tomorrow without having to place that action on the agenda, in advance. The question then is can the rest of the council immediately move to replace him?

Apparently Tim Whitacre is off the short list and Solorio’s replacement will be troubled businessman Vince Sarmiento. It figures that Pulido would find an even worse candidate for Ward 1 than failed puppet Tino Rivera, who is now being touted for the SAUSD school board seat that is being vacated by new councilman Sal Tinajero.

Solorio told Red County/OC Blog’s Jubal/Matt Cunningham that he is “most likely” going to resign from the city council on Dec. 3. “Most likely?” What does that mean? It sounds like he is going to try to weasel out the council sooner – perhaps tomorrow.

Here is the OC Register’s latest update about the new “emergency meeting,” by Amy Taxin:

Santa Ana Mayor Miguel Pulido has called a special, closed-session meeting for Thursday to discuss firefighters

About Admin

"Admin" is just editors Vern Nelson, Greg Diamond, or Ryan Cantor sharing something that they mostly didn't write themselves, but think you should see. Before December 2010, "Admin" may have been former blog owner Art Pedroza.