They’re going after Chris Prevatt! Better start writing to your OC Supervisors and letting them know they need to back off our fellow blogger. If he says he is not blogging at work, I believe him. He has never lied before – why start now? Also, county CEO Tom Mauk lets us know that he doesn’t like the blogosphere at all. Too bad Tom! We’re not going away. And now I know we need to keep an eye on you too. Here is the Register’s story:
Friday, November 24, 2006
County investigates Democratic blogger
A health care worker is suspected of blogging while at work.
The Orange County Register
It’s quickly morphed into one of the most effective political weapons around.
Whether it’s local sites such as Red County
About Admin
"Admin" is just editors Vern Nelson, Greg Diamond, or Ryan Cantor sharing something that they mostly didn't write themselves, but think you should see. Before December 2010, "Admin" may have been former blog owner Art Pedroza.
What about Carlos Bustamante they need to investigate him he works at the county…..
Art, way to support Chris! Unlike Mauk and the County, one should be supportive of bloggers, regardless of poltical affiliation. If Chris goes down, Fleischman should too!
“misusing county computers”
Okay, then that probably leaves about 5% of the county workforce. Whether it’s in the private or public sectors, workers with open access will always visits sites that take away from work.
Does anybody wonder how many county workers viewed the up coming after Thankgiving ads?
If anybody is guilty of posting during county time then they are also guilty of viewing during county time.
I’m at my office and blogging for my first time I will keep it short. Personally, I would never put anything in writing that can be used against me… and always keep in mind, my employer is my livelihood… Hi Patrick, it was nice chatting with you this am at Starbucks, have a great day…
Carlos Bustamante is a Republican and in this county we don’t investigate Republicans. Just ask former D.A. Mike Capizzi what happens to you if you dare do that.
Poster 3,
Great point! WE ought to subpoena Tom Mauk’s computer and see what he has been looking at. What do you want to bet he has links set up to every golf course in town?
Gina (poster #4):
Working for a government employer is different from a private employer. Government is the people
Chris is obtuse. He has first amendment rights. He doesn’t have them when at work. Grow up Prevatt.
“County CEO Tom Mauk denies that the probe into Prevatt is politically motivated, adding that such investigations are triggered by complaints.”
If this is the case then is it just a coincidence that the investigation came after Norby mentioned it?
Who is dumb enough to believe that? Fliesman does! Surely, not the O.C. taxpayers who will have to pay the big settlement Prevatt will get after a jury concludes that a different standard was applied by his employer. Add the thousands more after it is concluded that through email correspondence and under-oath testimony that Supervisor Norby’s “mention it” stance was more political than a concern for loss county resources.
I’m sure that Supervisor Norby like all us heard that O.C. Sheriff spokeperson John Fliesman was possibly working on non-county related work while getting paid handsomely for county work.
Did he mention this complaint to CEO Mauk? Was Fliesman work computer siezed as well? Since Fliesman admitted that he used his personal laptop to avoid any conflict, was he smart enough to use his own personal phone to link up to the web? Wireless card, right!(or did he use his county provided celluar phone to link up the web and submit all those data transfers)
Who here believes that Fliesman had a work schedule that had a set break and lunch time? He was stated as saying that he made sure he did everything on his breaks. I can just imagine Fliesman going to his superiors and saying, “I’m going on lunch and will be blogging for the next hour” or imagine him going over and clocking out for lunch and then blogging. This does not happen at the county? No punch clocks! The supervisors are going to lunch before the employees.
Anybody, Who tells you different is lying?
While we ask for an independent audit of county CEO computer usage, lets ask for one for his staff aswell and Supervisor Norby and his staff.
Then Norby will get booted out of office for contributing to lawsuits and contributing to a lack of county accoutability.
Poster #8
What part of “I did not blog from work” don’t you understand? Are you suggesting that because I work for the County of Orange I do not have First Amendment rights?
Thank you, Art, for seeing through Tom Mauk’s BS. We all know why the County is now going after Chris… He’s a whistleblower, and he’s been calling attention to some naughty deeds that Mauk would rather keep hidden from us…
Well, I won’t sit back and allow my county government to engage in such dirty political games!
I thought we were still in America? When did George Bush tell Vladimir Putin that Russia can annex Orange County?
As a Republican, I am very embarrassed that Supervisor Norby would continue to allow this over-reaching and unfair investigation to continue.
Let’s all not fool ourselves. Even Jubal mentioned that in both private and public employment sectors you’ll find a disregard for using any strict Internet access rules. Does Norby and Mauk not realize this?
They would have to use the low IQ defense to not realize this is what everybody else knows.
Obviously, they are using a rule subjectively because Supervisor Norby did not like MR. Prevatt comments.
This kind of nonsense reminds me of that L.A. County African American fire fighter who previously totally disregarded the rules against hazing and now claims to be a victim of discrimination. (Actually hazing)
Supervisor Norby and CEO Mauk know county employees occasionally will use county computers for non county work related matters but have turned a blind eye until one individual ruffled the feathers of a particular supervisor.
Norby and Mauk need to immediate return the computer to Mr. Prevatt and apologize for their selfish, unethical and illegal behavior.
Hopefully, Mr. Prevatt will accept their apologies so that we won’t have to here all the details of Norby’s, Mauk