As I was listening to the car radio yesterday I heard of another lawsuit due to a patron spilling a hot drink on themselves. In this Indianapolis case it was a cup of hot chocolate that was purchased for a child that spilled on the girl, who was strapped in a car seat, when her parent pulled away from the Starbucks drive-thru window. It was reported that she suffered serious burns on her legs.The question. Who ultimately is responsible for this accident?
As parents with children in car seats isn’t it our responsibility to use extra care when handing them a hot cup of liquid while we are driving our vehicles?
CFO Magazine just published a story entitled “U.S. Companies Spending a Fortune in Court.” The article opens by reporting that “the typical U.S. company faces an average of 305 lawsuits and spends $12 million a year on litigation alone, not counting settlements or judgements.”
As such, if you have children looking for a career path that is somewhat protected against “outsourcing” perhaps they should look into the area of corporate litigation.
The entire article can be found as follows:
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