Top News of the Day in the OC

Letter of the law sought (Register) Latino leaders want county to inform immigrants in 14,000 households they can vote, despite threat in mailer.

O.C. will consider trying to correct Nguyen mailer (Times) By Mai Tran: Supervisors on Tuesday will take up the question of approving a letter to remedy misstatements.

Schwarzenegger ramps up pressure over Orange County mailing (Times) He says GOP candidate Nguyen should quit House race if he knew of his office’s threatening letter to immigrants.

Candidates for governor bring campaigns to O.C. (Register) Schwarzenegger and Angelides display different styles as they appeal for voters’ support.

Pringle runs against council critic (Register) William Denis Fitzgerald calls Pringle “a silver-tongued devil” and “crooked” because of money from “special interests.”

Acres in Anaheim at stake (Register) Businesses and affordable-housing advocates debate best use of land.

Top college police placed on leave (Register) Investigation involve the chief and his deputy at Irvine Valley campus.

Salaries still unsettled for CUSD teachers (Register) Teachers are criticizing delays as negotiations continue with CUSD this month.

Running to stand still (Register) Has Measure M, aimed at funding road projects and up for a ballot extension, done its job?

California politicians dishing out the dough (Register) DENA BUNIS: Letter from Washington. Orange County and California political activists have had one role to play in the upcoming midterm elections: sending money.

To shoot or not to shoot (Register) Gordon Dillow ponders police shootings

Nicholas divorce could cloud Broadcom (Register) Ex-CEO shares control of 30 percent of company’s voting stock in trust with wife.

Monday is deadline to register to vote (Times) Those who haven’t registered to vote in the Nov. 7 election can still do so through Monday. Mail-in forms are available at most county buildings, city halls, fire stations, libraries, state motor vehicle offices, public assistance offices and post offices. Forms also may be printed off the website . They must be signed, dated and postmarked by Monday.

Top Opinion Links of the Day:

No More Immigrant-Bashing in the O.C. (Times) Republicans rightfully denounced a candidate who sent an intimidating letter to Latino voters, saving face in a district they were bound to lose anyway.

Advantage: Democrats (Register) What to watch for on Election Day. Say it ain’t so!

As Arnold coasts, others battle (Register) Greenhut: It’s oddly fitting that just as the country veers in a Democratic direction, hopelessly Democratic California will be one of the few places nationwide where Republicans will do surprisingly well on Nov. 7.

About Admin

"Admin" is just editors Vern Nelson, Greg Diamond, or Ryan Cantor sharing something that they mostly didn't write themselves, but think you should see. Before December 2010, "Admin" may have been former blog owner Art Pedroza.