Michael J Fox/Rush Limbaugh..embroyonic stem cell research

Let me offer a source of information that may answer some of the questions being raised in the controversy (in the MO Senatorial race) between Rush Limbaugh and Parkinson disease victim Michael J Fox regarding embryonic stem cell research.

In April of 2003, we, www.cuttingedge-atalkshow.com covered the University of CA, San Diego, Division of Biological Sciences Symposium entitled “DNA and the Legacy of Molecular Biology.” During the Symposium we interviewed Eugene “Gene” Myers, Ph.D., famous for his work in human genome sequencing, Bruce Alberts, President of the National Academy of Science, Christine Guthrie, Ph.D., expert on RNA splicing, Cynthia Kenyon, Ph.D.,whose research includes extended lifespan and “cloning,” Paul Berg, Ph.D. 1980 Nobel Laureate in chemistry, and UCSD Dr. Ted Friedman who is known for his research in molecular genetics.

Having a close friend currently dealing with Parkinson’s I did ask about projected timing for cures of this disease among many others. You will need to watch the program and hear the answer for yourself.
Simply go to our web site www.cuttingedge-atalkshow.com where you can watch this cost and commercial free program 24/7. From the Home Page go the “archives,” scroll down until you see the 60 minute program entitled DNA at 50–Life & Death

Note: Human cloning and stem cell research is a slippery slope

Trivia.It required 247 attempts to get “Dolly”–fertilized egg– “Zygote” from Dorset sheep in Scotland.
There are 30,000 genes in the Human Genome and three billion units of DNA–base pairs.Larry Gilbert

About Larry Gilbert