Great post at the Flash Report from my colleague Brandon Powers – looks like Lou Correa is losing union support:
Unions Letting Senate Seat Slip Away?
by Brandon Powers – Los Angeles County (bio) (email)
10-17-2006 1:40 pm
Back in June, the Democrats had a pretty heated race in the 34th Senate Primary. Assemblyman Tom Umberg, backed heavily by the unions lost to Supervisor Lou Correa, who had Senate President Don Perata on his side. Despite the General Election match-up with Assemblywoman Lyn Daucher being the hottest legislative race in the state, and the Republicans
WOW Art,
You start the victory celebration before you even know the final score. Take a careful look at the mailer, look who the Congressional candidate is, JIM BRANDT, which means it is in Santa Ana, but in the southwest section that is in the 46th, which also means it is in the 35th SENATE DISTRICT. The two overlap in that area of Santa Ana, the 69th is the one exception taking in the entire area of Santa Ana.
Wow you guys will take any little thing at this point, talk about desparation.
Good catch Claudio.
I had a similar experience a month ago where instead of taking Art comments as true I researched to find he misstated the facts.
It seems there are too many occurences to call this unintentional.
Actually anon, Art just re-posted a post on the Flash Report, so we really shouldn’t shoot the messenger. Brandon Powers is the author and I am sure he knows he is being misleading. Notice Powers fails to mention Jim Brandt is on the piece instead of Loretta. I know because I have just gotten the piece and guess who is on it, LOU CORREA! Guess who is not on it, Loretta Sanchez. Want to know why, because I am barely in the 48th Congressional District, so Steve Young is on the flier.
Sorry Brandon, you got it wrong.
Thanks for the defense! BTW, I just confirmed that the guy who received the mailer lives in the 34th – so somebody screwed up in terms of whom it went to.