Break in and theft at La Paz Intermediate school in Mission Viejo

Perhaps I missed it but I do not recall seeing any police reports or news coverage relating to the most recent break in and burglary at the La Paz Elementary school in Mission Viejo. This past Thursday evening thieves broke into a “pod” of classes and stole 70 laptop computers. Although there are alarm systems elsewhere in the school this area apparently either doesn’t have one or perhaps it was not operational.
La Paz Intermediate is in the Saddleback School District which, in 2004, received overwhelming support of the local electorate in passage of Meas B, a $180 million dollar School Bond. That bond was to fund among other projects, fire alarm systems, parking and playground equipment. Although I hope the sheriff deputies track down, prosecute and incarcerate the laptop bandits, the school principle and school board need to immediately engage in corrective action so that this vulnerability for theft does not occur again. I understand there was another burglary about a year ago where the burglars may not have been apprehended.
Larry Gilbert

About Larry Gilbert