Tomorrow’s OC GOP Central Committee meeting will be another long one. There are a number of local GOP candidates up for endorsement – and several others are going to try one last time to get endorsed. Here are some of the stories I have been following:
Brea – Ron Garcia is a lifelong Republican who served in Vietnam. He is very popular in Brea, where he serves on the Planning Commission, and he has a lot of endorsements. He has been a big booster of the party and other candidates. Garcia was rejected by the OC GOP Endorsement Committee, primarily because of one vote on a property where a landowner, in the Brea Hills, wanted to build a vast amount of homes on his lot. The city felt that building that many homes would have a very negative impact on local traffic, which is already awful in the hills. Garcia voted to restrict the number of homes on the lot – but so did Steve Vargas, who like Garcia is running for the Brea City Council.
I really feel that Garcia is owed a second look, and hopefully he will get that chance on Monday night. There are three seats open in Brea, so the party could endorse both Vargas and Garcia.
Orange – Mike Alvarez is running for Mayor against Carolyn Cavecche. She could have served another term on the Orange City Council, but she opted to run against Alvarez, even though he helped her get elected to the Council. His big mistake was not backing the conservatives on the Orange School Board when they were recalled. Now he is going to try to appeal to the Central Committee on Monday to reconsider the OC GOP Endorsement Committee’s decision to back Cavecche.
Cavecche is backed by seemingly the entire OC GOP delegation, including: Dick Ackerman, Todd Spitzer, Lynn Daucher, Van Tran, Mimi Walters, Chris Norby, etc. Alvarez has a few prominent endorsements too, including OC DA Tony Rackauckas; Rick Ledesma, from the Orange school board; and John Acosta, a former Mayor of Santa Ana. However, Alvarez’ endorsements don’t have the star power of Cavecche’s.
Anaheim – Alexandria Coronado has circulated an email indicating that Denise Mansfield Reinking, a candidate endorsed by the OC GOP for the Anaheim Union High School District Board of Trustees, attended the Orange County Labor Coalition Breakfast yesterday morning.
The OC Labor Coalition represents every labor union in the county, and had about 300 people in attendance at the breakfast. Ms. Reinking attended the breakfast because she has been endorsed by the OC Central Labor Council and AFSCME .
Reinking also passed out a flier during that time that suggests she is pro-union; this after the fact that she told the OC GOP endorsement committee that she was NOT pro-union. Here is an excerpt from her flier: “My father was a proud union drywaller and plasterer for over 50 years and a business agent for the union. As a currently-licensed nurse, I am glad to see that nurses are now joining the SEIU to ensure their rights as employees and also to provide pensions when they retire–something I wish I had 30 years ago.”
San Clemente – Norm Dickinson, a Central Committee member in the San Clemente area, is opposing the endorsment of Sally Jeisy for the San Clemente City Council. He has a huge litany of complaints about her, as follows (in his own words):
- She has re-registered a number of times in the past, switching from Democrat to Republican. The latest switch was from Democrat to Republican just before running in the San Clemente City Council Special Elections in 2005.
- She is not a member nor has she ever been a member of the San Clemente Republican Women Federated.
- As City Chairman for San Clemente, involved with Precinct operation for the past 9 years, I can attest to the fact that she has not assisted the Orange County Republican Party in a campaign effort. She has never worked as a Republican Party precinct volunteer.
- She previously has not involved herself in any City Commissions such as, Planning Commission, Parks and Recreation Commission etc. Although this year she was a candidate for the Planning Commission. However, she was not accepted by the City Council.
- Her only major community involvement was as a former President of the San Clemente Chamber of Commerce. However, the Chamber has recently declined to endorse Ms. Jeisy for City Council. (September 8th, the Chamber endorsed Joe Anderson, Wayne Eggleston and Lori Donchak for City Council)
- She refused to respond to the Southern Orange County Republican Assembly (SOCRA/CRA) endorsement questionnaire and declined to attend the SOCRA endorsement meeting. She previously ignored the SOCRA in her 2005 candidacy for City Council. I believe she did so in order to conceal the very un-republican nature of her opinions.
Sounds like Jeisy has no shot at the OC GOP endorsement.
You know what is so funny to me? Is that Ms. Holier than thou Carolyn Cavecche has the endorsement of no other than the good old Todd Spitzer, and Chris Norby. Now I really respect Vice Chair Chris Norby, but both men were invited to Breakfast Saturday and even though Chris Norby did not show up you know who did?
MR. TODD SPITZER and he spoke to!
Now at that breakfast there were Police and Fire and Nurses and I am so tired of people calling them UNION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Alexandria Coronado has no respect for any of them if she has to
E-mail nasty remarks about people attending these kinds of things.
So I want you to get down on Carolyn Cavecche then! She has the backing of Todd Spitzer the one who attended also. But you leave Police and Fire and the Nurses that are a part of that breakfast out of it or its picket time again!
Police Officers Wife
Police Officers Wife
So Karen what exactly is this supposed to mean other than you will get a big fat retirement when your hubby hangs up his badge?
Anon 2:19,
How dare you insult Karen like that!!
If you don’t have a substantive response to what she had to say, then don’t attack her, and her husband for that matter.
Bottom line Norm, is the ONLY Republican running for San Clemente City Council that supports the REPUBLICAN party (state & local) on property rights is SALLY JEISY. Number 1 issue is San Clemente …PROPERTY RIGHTS.
You can say all you want about her “supposedly” being a non-republican. But being a SAN CLEMENTE REPUBLICAN that is ALL I care about along with the 6,000 other San Clemente residents who signed the petition to save our HOMES from Anderson, Eggleston and Donchak (all who have voted repeatedly against the party and against the RESIDENTS of San Clemente.) I don’t give a flying flip if she ever walked with you!!! I don’t give a flip about when she became a Republican. The bottom line is that she is …in ACTION a Republican. The others are in words that mean nothing!!!
As for the San Clemente Chamber…WHO?? WHO?? WHO??? Big Whoop! Aren’t these the same people who don’t want an In-N-Out, don’t want signage for our new outlet mall, and are blocking the economic redevelopment of San Clemente and North Beach? Because they are preservationists. Give me a BREAK!! Me and all the other REPUBLICAN mom’s who live in Talega just want a flipping TARGET!!!! We want places to shop and places to eat with our families! And we don
Yeah, she has never supported a REpublican! What’s this?….
From the OC REpublican Party Web site?
Tuesday, 9/12/06
6:00 PM
Special Event “End-Of-Summer Celebration”
With Special Guest The Honorable Pat Bates
Where: Jeisy Residence, San Clemente
San Clemente Community Leaders cordially invite you a special “End-Of-Summer Celebration” in honor of Former State Assemblywoman Pat Bates – Candidate for Orange County Supervisor at the home of Don & Sally Jeisy in San Clemente. Please RSVP at (949) 249-7900 or visit for more information.
Was that the point of the story that i responded to Anon? It was the E-Mail story.
I guess all you care about is money huh?
I care about my husbands life and that he comes home to me and our daughter every night.
I wonder every minute of the day and night if someone out there wants to get revenge on a cop today and go after one.
We always say I love you every change we get because it might be our last.
So you dare talk about his pension to me? I just hope when it is time for him to retire he is with us to enjoy it! Before you come after my response to a blog get it right.
Ot not either way I will respond back to you.
A special God Bless to you Andrew.
Not to mention Sheriff Carona came to the Central Labor Council for an endorsement to.
Lets not forget that either.
An ohhhhh he had the Love of the GOP TO!
As I’ve said elsewhere, it’s not Garcias vote(s) as planner that worry me, it’s that he’s dumb enough to brag about Lou Sheldon (TVC)as a supporter.
Even in the fundamental Christan bastion of Brea, that guy’s considered a nutbag.
I would think that the 112 votes that might get him are’nt worth the shitstorm that kin of thing brings. BAD MOVE GARCIA.
To Damn Mad Mom in Talega.
Hosting one affair for one Republican candidate in connection with your own candidacy, does not make up for years of inaction on behalf of the Republican party, their platform and the Republican party endorsed multiple candidates.
Voters in San Clemente realize that true property rights were supported and preserved by the votes of Ritchel, Anderson and Eggleston. They preserved the protections in place with the Shorecliff’s CC&Rs which were recorded when the homes were originally sold.
Good Republicans appreciate those Democrats who change to Republican for the right reasons and not solely for self interest. Ronald Reagan was one of those. As I recall President Reagan did not flip-flop back and forth from Democrat to Republican to Democrat to Republican. He registered Republican, worked for the party, shared Republican ideals and became an inspiration for all true conservatives. Guess from your severe serious reaction against the photo of Reagan that leaves you out.
To Anonymous inre: “They preserved the protections in place with the Shorecliff’s CC&Rs which were recorded when the homes were originally sold.”
This is an outright LIE.
If you believe this spin, you are sadly misinformed. Show us in the original Shorecliffs CC&R’s where it:
1.) Limits the height of structures
2.) Protects ocean views
3.) Where it states that different parcels are subject to restrictions while others are not.
I don’t expect a response from you since this is something you can not provide. For an original, recorded copy of the Shorecliffs CC&R’s visit, and click on CC&R’s.
San Clemente Mayor G. Wayne Eggleston, Joe Anderson and Susan Ritshel
To Anonymous re. Alleged “Ghost” Shorecliff’s CC&Rs being an alleged lie.
Sorry but the CC&Rs do exist and
real property CC&Rs are binding legal documents that are required by law to be transferred and disclosed to any buyer.
The original Shorecliff’s CC&Rs provided for an ART JURY. There are 6 separate CC&Rs for each Shorecliffs area. Each were controlled by an ART JURY. Here is a quote from these documents:
The restrictions set forth in Article III, Section 2 of the CC&Rs provide as follows:
“No residence, garage, outbuilding, swimming-pool, fence, wall, sidewalk, steps or other structure, and no improvement, utility, parking area or driveway shall be erected, constructed, laid down, altered or maintained on, under or about any portion of said tract or any lot therein, unless and until two complete sets of plans (including elevations), and two sets of specifications thereof, together with the two copies of plans indicating the location on the lot, (all of which shall have been planned, drafted and prepared by a licensed architect or by a fully qualified and competent designer or draftsman) shall have been submitted to an approved in writing by the Art Jury
I too have the CC&R’s and understand that the Art Jury hasn’t been in effect for several decades.
Nonetheless, you are making “a statement of fact” which is really an assumption that this Art Jury would have prohibited second stories. That is a far-reaching claim to say the least.
Anyone who walks the streets of Shorecliffs will see numerous changes over the last 40+ years to original structures that an Art Jury would never approve. Changes no one sought neighbor approval for.
With all honesty, I wish the Art Jury were still in place since many Shorecliffs neighbors refuse to paint patched stucco, refuse to fix their dilapidated homes, refuse to landscape, and continue to put up unsightly roof decks and install ill-placed windows. (Many of these requirements are clearly stated with the actual words in the CC&R
ps. Not sure where in my statement you read that the CC&R’s do not exist however I assume that is subject to interpretation as well.
By the way Sheriff Corona was endorsed by the OCEA the sponsor of the labor breakfast. If I am not mistaken Spitzer, Silva and Norby were endorsed by the Teamsters and OCEA. Does that mean that their endorsements get pulled? Or does it depend on the whim of the Republican Party? Hey Reagan and Nixon were endorsed by the Teamsters. Are they still Republicans?
Isn’t Alexandria Coronado the woman who said two years ago she was going to beat Loretta Sanchez. Alexandria might be more successful if she put as much energy into her own campaign and business and less self-righteous about who is a good republican and who isn’t. Doesn’t she teach piano at home and doesn’t she live with her parents?
“Doesn’t she teach piano at home and doesn’t she live with her parents?”
Maybe her parents are old or sick?
Maybe she likes spending time with them? Maybe they want her to live there?