What’s up today in the OC?

News links for Tuesday, August 22

Court Halts Santa Ana’s Crackdown on Truck Vendors (Times) Citing a threat to public safety, the city wanted to restrict their hours and force them to move every 90 minutes. A judge was not persuaded.

City council asks that CUSD fully investigate allegations (Register) Councilwoman Trish Kelly says concern goes beyond list of 150 families who supported recall.

Nichols loses GOP support due to remarks (Daily Pilot) O.C. Republican committee votes against endorsing Newport Beach city councilman in bid for reelection.

A voice for Latinos (Register) Santa Ana man is the No. 1 morning radio host in Southern California, with an audience of millions.

Term-limit measure loses steam (Register) Supervisor Chris Norby says he’ll ask his colleagues to pull it from the ballot.

Casino Tribes Try to Keep Entire Pot (Times) The wealthy groups use political clout to stymie efforts by poor Indians to open own facilities.

Police monitor apartment complex (Daily Pilot) Costa Mesa’s Camden Martinique community is under surveillance after multiple robberies.

Donations pave way to fund Costa Mesa library (Daily Pilot) Contributions for a central library near City Hall have helped, but more money is needed.

Column: Bloggers

About Admin

"Admin" is just editors Vern Nelson, Greg Diamond, or Ryan Cantor sharing something that they mostly didn't write themselves, but think you should see. Before December 2010, "Admin" may have been former blog owner Art Pedroza.