Word around town in Santa Ana yesterday had it that Council candidate Tino Rivera, who was believed to be an independent, is now running around telling everyone that he is a lifelong Democrat. Huh? Rivera has been telling those of us in the GOP camp that he plans to become a Republican after the election. What gives?
Rivera has a Republican consultant, Paul Glaab, and he has been endorsed by numerous Republicans, including City Council Member Carlos Bustamante and Lincoln Club member Dale Dykema. Has he pulled the wool over their collective eyes – or have they been party to this debacle?
Will Rivera’s Democratic backers like the fact that he is constantly flirting with the Republicans? It sounds like he is going to end up making both camps mad!
Democrats have other options in Ward 2 – Michele Martinez and Tish Leon. Republicans can back the lifelong Republican candidate, Evangeline Gawronski. What about Tino? Well, the last remaining Pulido backers can have him!
Oh, what a tangled web we weave…
Others have said it before and I will say it again: Tino or Tonto is not the sharpest tool.
He will not serve his constituents or voters. He will serve his master: Miguel Pulido/Peludo.
Tino should preserve his legacy as a former star high school althlete and leave the heavy mental lifting to others.
Good point, Art.
I guess that’s why Rivera didn’t get the Democratic Party endorsement yesterday.
And maybe now that the Repugs have heard that Rivera’s been asking for Democratic endorsements, he won’t get the Republican blessing either.
Too bad for poor ol’ Papa Pulido… His anointed one dosen’t seem to be gainign any traction in Ward 2!
Tino’s role in this election is a spoiler.His actions with this party confussion shows he is in on this strategy.In order to split the vote he must appeal to the Hispanic voter.He has the name now he must affiliate himself to the democratic party to further appeal to the Hispanic voter. After the election he will change paty lines as he has mentioned to Art P. and others.Some promises must be on the table for these action to be happening.Split the vote get appointed to city planning or something else.He is a tool willing or not.
Maybe, like so many of us, he’s a moderate. Can’t (or won’t) totally toe the line for either party. Personally I like seeing someone who is not totally beholden to these entirely out of touch with real people political parties!