McGuigan files for Santa Ana’s Ward 6
I just heard that former Santa Ana Council Member Pat McGuigan, a longtime advocate for public libaries, has pulled papers to run for Ward 6, which is apparently being vacated by the incumbent, Mike Garcia. McGuigan is well-liked and will surely give Sal Tinajero a run for the money.
Here is some information I found about McGuigan, from her 1998 race, when she defeated Claudia Alvarez for Ward 6:
Occupation: Santa Ana City Councilwoman
Represented Santa Ana on League of CA Cities
Currently Chair, O.C. Waste Management Comm.
Member Soroptimist International, SA/Tustin
Elected to Santa Ana Council 1994
Served as Mayor ProTem
Former Executive Assist, Retail IndustryPriorities:
Continued Reduction of Crime Rate
Economic Development through increased Educational Opportunities
Preservation of Neighborhoods & Infrastructure and Park Improvements
Pat is great! You go girl!
Pat is going to spank big Sal Tinajero so hard he’s going to be begging for mercy and crying to his daddy Nativo Lopez of help! If the Police Officers and Fire Fighters endorse Pat, and they will, Sal is going to wish he never pulled papers to run. Good luck Sal! You will need it!
Pat is a good example of why we need term limits. She has been council member and didn’t do a very good job. I’m not going to reward her with my vote.
McGuigan just might be on the receiving end of that spanking.
I know this is a transparent question, but who will McGuigan endorse for mayor? And doesn’t the police and fire fighters endorsement come with strings???
Sal Tinajero and Nativo Lopez have not been on speaking terms since right after the recall. Nativo broke ties with many elected officials and close friends of his, including John Palacio, and the editor of Union Hispana, which used to be run by Hermandad Mexicana. Voting for Sal Tinajero means voting for Sal Tinajero.
“Sal Tinajero and Nativo Lopez have not been on speaking terms since right after the recall.”
I believe in the Political business they call this “spin”.
This is what Luis said on the OCBLOG site:
“To be honest with you, I know Nativo more than I know Sal. I agree, at one point Nativo and Sal were together on many issues. I happened to attend a lot of meetings where both were present and enjoyed laugh together. Nativo and Sal were very close, but not as close as Nativo and John Palacio were.”
How convenient that you decided to only include what you wanted to include, here is the full post and can be found here.
“To be honest with you, I know Nativo more than I know Sal. I agree, at one point Nativo and Sal were together on many issues. I happened to attend a lot of meetings where both were present and enjoyed laugh together. Nativo and Sal were very close, but not as close as Nativo and John Palacio were. If you look at their relationship now, John and Nativo hardly speak. They had a falling out, including the person who ran Union Hispana, which used to be a Hermandad Newspaper. When Nativo began with MAPA he lost many ties with the former elected officials in Santa Ana. I dont believe he will be a factor in Santa Ana. Did anyone see him around during the primary?”
If Nativo and Sal were so close do you really believe Sal would have endorsed Claudia Alvarez? Nativo and Claudia can not stand each other anymore, and she even assisted with the recall of Nativo and insists everyone is affiliated with him. So which is it?
So I guess we should believe self-proclaimed friend of Nativo, Luis, when he says Sal Tinajero is no longer chillin with Nativo
Perhaps Luis, you would be so kind as to explain to Orange Juice readers why exactly Nativo and Sal are no longer friends if that is in fact the truth. Which issues do they now disagree about? So will Nativo be opposing Sal? Maybe Pat can get his endorsement and the help of his grass roots campaign workers who put flyers on doorsteps the night before elections with preposterously wild campaign accusations. Could you put in a good word for Pat with your friend Nativo? Maybe if you and Mr. Art both asked him he might consider giving his support.
Did Sal support the recall of Nativo Lopez?
Will Lisa Bist be the last Anglo to serve on the Santa Ana City council or will Pat come back to take that title?
Anonymous 1:59 . There is no danger of changing your mind. Corrected information posted is for open minded readers.It is realy not for your benefit. Art Lomeli
Correction . previous post of mine was for Anonymous 1:53 and 2:03
While Pat may not be perfect, she’s a damn site better than any of the alternatives. She has experience, listens, knows the issues and the neighborhoods. Above and beyond anything else she is honest.
You read to much into my posts. I never stated Sal and Nativo did not share the same philosophies. What I did say was that Nativo and Sal are no longer on speaking terms. As far as Sal’s philosophy, I would have to direct you to him personally. He should answer those questions for you.
As I stated before, they are simply not on speaking terms, but that does not mean that they would deliberately oppose each other during elections.
Dont try to oversimplify it in a attempt to prove some kind of misguided point.
Is anyone surprised by the reported tactics Pulido used to eliminate Garcia?
It’s more than likely Pulido had his guard dogs at his side exerting the most unsavory threats.
And it’s the usual suspects – Metzler, Dan Young, Rob Richardson and Dave Ream.
There was a meeting at the Old Ship where Rob Richardson, Jose Solorio and Carlos Bustamante cornered Mike Garcia and forced him not to run against Miguel. Pat Mc.. whatever, is not running and now she and her thirty something year old son who still lives with his mamma can retire from politics.