Pulido delivers state of the city address today
I read in the OC Register today that Santa Ana Mayor Miguel Pulido is delivering his state of the city address today in an annual breakfast sponsored by the Santa Ana Chamber of Commerce. Here are some of the topics he won’t likely be talking about:
- The pile of asbestos-laden debris that developer Mike Harrah’s subcontractor left outside the building they are demolishing to make way for the dreaded One Broadway Plaza building is still there – and there are three schools in the immediate vicinity.
- The Santa Ana Public Library system, having just cancelled the popular bookmobile service, is now down to the main library and one extension on the westside – to service the youngest population in the OC. And Santa Ana still calls itself a “Reading City.” Sounds like doublespeak!
- Construction is underway on Main St., just north of the 5 Freeway, where a huge complex of condos, lofts, etc. will eventually bring hundreds of additional vehicles to an area that is already landlocked during rush hour. I wonder how the new residents will like all the potholes on that stretch of Main St.?
- The immigrant rioters who attacked County of Orange personnel and properties a few months ago have still not been identified or put in jail. And of course Pulido was not to be found during those riots.
- While the political career of Claudia Alvarez has been effectively destroyed, her protege, Sal Tinajero, will likely be running against Pulido in the upcoming elections.
- The Santa Ana Unified School District is in disarray in the wake of former Superintendent Al Mijares’ exit. Many of the area schools are in danger of being taken over by the state. Teachers are understandably frustrated and many of Mijares’ administrators need to go.
- Pulido’s visit with cocaine farmer Evo Morales, in Bolivia, went great. Morales has now followed in the footsteps of Fidel Castro and Hugo Chavez as the latest South American dictator.
- And last but not least – Pulido has learned from his South American friends. He gutted an attempt to establish mayoral term limits. All hail King Pulido!
People actually paid $50 to hear Pulido spin a web of deceit! At least they can find out the truth here for free…sans the continental breakfast of course.
Folks, Sal Tinajero?…. do not know the person.
However, it would made the race more interesting.
The tow sane candidates against the insane one.
Are we gone see what sanity is all about?
In any event the old Czech clich
I may not be a Pulido fan, but I definitely put him into the sane category. You should shoot for the insane vote Stanley. Oh wait, they live in Orange, thats how Steve Rocco finally won.
Those of us who choose to formulate our own opinions about candidates, by trying to decipher the truth amongst the biased papers, articles, and blogs, one reads, you fail to make Pulido look like a person we should not vote for.
Speaking about “immigrant rioters”, how do you know they were immigrant rioters? I attended the protests, I am not an immigrant?
Pulido speaking with Evo Morales does not make him a bad person. Evo Morales, has been long fighting for the rights of the underepresented, does that make him bad? He certainly has made attempts to do more for his people than our president. Pulido should be applauded for at least thinking outside the box in terms of finding ways to improve the city.
Now, I am not a fan of Pulido at all, however, when I read what you have posted, it inclines me to want to support rather than oppose him. Stick to the facts that you know Art and less about your unprovable theories.
For Example:
1)He has not acted on the asbesto problem
2)Public Library problem
3)His decision on term limits
4)Prostitution on Harbor
These are items which warrant his removal alone. Lets unite the community and oppose the Mayor, not divide and then ask those very same people to vote your way.
Lefty and National Socialist Luis stated: “He (meaning Pulido) certainly has made attempts to do more for his people than our president.”
His people?….. the Mexicans?
FYI LNS Luis, the Mayor must serve all the people and in that sense he have done noting for me.
Pulido must go because he is another corrupt Mexican who is mayoring Santa-Ana-Tijuana.
Has Sal taken out the paper work to run for mayor?
$50 for breakfast,how much was it last year?
Term limits are garbage.
If the city can’t take care of its library system, maybe it should be turned over to the county.
Stan has the answer for the business woman (& men) of harbor blvd.
Yes Anonymous I have an answer!
Pulido and who ever does not.
In October 2004 debate with me Pulido vow safety to be his numero uno priority only to have 40+ murders since than in Santa Ana.
Did Costa Mesa had 40 murders since October 2004?
Every contemporary civilized nation on the earth have legalized Drug and Prostitution underground industry by controlling it.
One must go to Europe to seek civilization because the USA in its crusade against the Islam became Jesus Freak nation which is incapable to coherently resolve the underline issues which are burdensome of todays world.
One cannot go to 6th century to set morality.
Therefore, we need RED LIGHT DISTRICT in Santa Ana.
No Stanley,
Your huge IQ score must have gotten in the way. Evo Morales is not the president of Mexico, he is the president of Bolivia, and he has done more for Bolivians than President Bush has done for Americans.
Stan- Do me a favor, get a life.
“$50 for breakfast,how much was it last year?”
How many of you wold like to have “BYOS” Bring Your Own Sandwich breakfast with me while delivering my state of the city address?
Obviously Luis, it is clear that your English is your second language and that you have constructed your sentences with too many [he]s subject to ambiguity.
Please make not of it.
Has anyone ever asked Pulido why he ever met Morales?
Evo Morales has only one thing going for him — the opposition to USA re the War on Drugs and CIA / paramilitary operatives in Bolivia.
For that reason only, even I would meet with Morales.
We need to put end to Jesus Freaks like Bush and his 6Th century morality.
However, I believe and opinion that Pulido was arranging his offshore corruption banking accounts in a country which is not a part to US banking laws under Morales.
You are too predictable my friend. I knew you would comment on the rioters and Morales.
Listen, I was there during the big riot – I wrote about it extensively. I got stuck for two hours trying to pick up my daughter from school. Yes – many of them had to be illegals. They were not flying American flag, that’s for sure. They should have been swept up and deported.
As for Morales, he has suspended many civil liberties, taken over the oil industry, and pretty much acted like a mini-Hugo Chavez. He is a joke.
Pulido had no good reason for hanging out with the coca loving Morales…unless Miguelito is looking to set up a new import business to help out Morales’ coca farmer amigos.
Lastly, I forgot about the prostitution issue – thanks for the reminder!
Art for Mayor. I know you don’t have a chance but you will have a big platform.
“Art for Mayor?”
Why not Art?…… get your papers from Pat and jump into the ray.
Lets see if you get 20% as I did in 2004.
Art — what does your dream team for Santa Ana look like, from mayor-council-supervisor-assembly-state senate-u.s .house-u.s. senate, regardless of whether a candidate is running or not? You and Tim W. are eligible as well as every SA resident reading this blog.
The deadline to submit the nomination papers to Pat is August 11, 2006
I don’t have a pick for Santa Ana Mayor, but wish Mike Garcia would run. For council, I have not made up my mind re the current crop of candidates, but I plan to write about that soon. For Supervisor, assuming Correa beats Daucher, I would like to see Janet Nguyen run against Carlos Bustamante. For Assembly I am supporting Ryan Williams. I live in Ackerman’s Senate district, and he is not running for reelection this year. For the Congress I plan to vote for Tan Nguyen.
Did anyone who posts here go?
Is there going to be a “cliff note”? How is the city doing?
Gustavo, “Santa Ana Pastoral
The evening life of two parking lots”
I like your writing, good stuff
That is what I thought Art, the politics are to you what sports are to next non mature man.
You must win……. Huh?
What do you think about use of the “steroids” in politics?
The “cliff hanger” is sac, that Pulido will win. Soon after he takes office he will use city funds for sex-change operation to become a man.
Your assumption about Morales being a coca lover, is not in the context which you would like to place him in. The Aymara and Quechua chew Coca leaves as a dietary supplement. This is sacred to them. They also use it to drink Mate de Coca, which is a drink. I even read somewhere John Paul II was a well known consumer of Mate.
As far as taking over, I am glad he did. I wish Mexico would too. Although Mexico nationalized their oil, they are still owned by U.S. interests, by as high as 80% per some sources.
As far as the so called riots, you assume to much Art. You arrogance is showing on this issue. You know very well not every person who is a U.S. Citizen waves an American Flag. I personally, was not in traffic, I was with the crowd, and many of the people there were legal residents, U.S. citizens, Asian Americans, and I even saw some Caucasians joining in the protest. Not all of these people were carrying American flags, does that make them, according to you, illegals?
Students were also on hand, and we all know, many students through their immaturity choose to be wannabe radicals and despise the flag, or simply not carry one, most get over that poor attitude by the time they become adults.
Your comments regarding the two are dangerous Art, because you make attempts to draw a picture which is not there. You see what you want to see, but neglect to comment on positive things.
As I mentioned before, Pulido has enough baggage where you don’t have to use these issues to prove your point he is bad. I think most people will agree with you, however when you use these types of words, you are going to single out a lot of people who happen to believe those protests were protests, not riots. Keep in mind who the constituents in Santa Ana are, and whether or not they would join you in defeating the mayor if you spoke in that fashion.
Surprise…… surprise…… Luis!
I agree word for word about your following statement:
“Your assumption about Morales being a coca lover, is not in the context which you would like to place him in. The Aymara and Quechua chew Coca leaves as a dietary supplement. This is sacred to them. They also use it to drink Mate de Coca, which is a drink. I even read somewhere John Paul II was a well known consumer of Mate.”
The mention of immigration and the way presented goes with the conservative Republican elections strategy. The focus is to overwhelm public sentiment with this issue using the most insightfull manner possible . This is is done in order to cloud the negatives pasted on the party such as the Middle Eastern conflicts and the war on terrorism. Republican leaders are the rousers and after the elections they will turn out to be either heros or dogs. Their solutions are simplistic , like – Get the flag wavers rounded up and bus them out.They are going on the notion that the American public can’t see beyond their noses.The Hispanic voter can see beyond their noses because they live in the complexity of the issue. I anticipate they will loose this voting block. Art Lomeli