My article about the Santa Ana library system shortcomings elicited some great responses and one of them alluded to the fact that the police and fire departments monopolize much of the city budget, therefore not allowing enough money for the libraries or the parks.
Well, there is a solution to that problem – it’s called outsourcing. In this case, Santa Ana, the county seat, could contract with the Orange County Fire Authority and the OC Sheriff’s Department and do away with the local police and fire departments. The question is, how much could the city save by doing this?
We already have a mutual aid compact with both of these agencies, and the OC Sheriff’s departments oversees the bailiffs at the OC Courthouse in downtown Santa Ana. Therefore the transition could not possibly be that difficult.
Don’t get me wrong, the Santa Ana police and fire departments do a great job – but if keeping them means having horrible parks and not enough libraries, etc., then we need to look at the outsourcing option.
There would also be a political benefit to this move. Currently the local police and fire unions control our City Council by backing the candidates that they know will do their bidding. If we outsource those services, say goodbye to those unions, and to their influence on our local elected officials.
If any of our readers can share information about possible savings that could be realized by outsourcing our police and fire departments, I would very much appreciate it. Also, those of you who are aware of the negatives to this approach, please share with the rest of us.
I’m tired of living in a second-rate city. Our Mayor and City Council seem to be happy with a city that underserves its residents. Enough! We need new ideas, and we need to pressure our electeds to pay attention. If Jose Solorio and Carlos Bustamante want us to take their ambitions to move to higher office seriously, now is the time for them to show us that they deserve our support. Gentlemen, it is your fault that our city is in the shape it is now. Tell us what you plan to do in the next three months to get us moving in the right direction!
I’m not voting for anyone until they come up with a plan to move Art out of Santa Ana. C’mon what about my property values?
May be Art is right. I looked up the police budget and divided it by number of employee’s and have found that it cost $146,970.89 per person.
Yes Art is right!
However, Art is unaware that the SAPD has black budget and operates small Santa Ana Air Force which consists of a singe engine air plain tie down in Fullerton airport. It does high altitude surveillance all over the OC. I use to fly with Civil Air Patrol as search and rescue pilot so I talk to the guys. Who knows how much that costs.
Ironic that Art fought so hard against Mike Carona and now wants to have Carona call the law enforcement shots in town.
Further ironic that Art attacked the COUnty Board for giving their employees large, budget-busting pensions anad now thinks that same gang will somehow save Santa Ana money.
Its one thing for a small town like Stanton to outsource its police duties….quite another for a large city like Santa Ana or Anaheim to cede control over its public safety to to the County.
Bad idea Art. Lets keep local control of our police and fire.
Otherwise when you’re unhappy you’ll have to complain to John Fleishman.
Don’t the sheriffs and county firefighers have unions too? Art’s proposal only brings in a new set of bosses. I appreciate Art throwing ideas out there, but this one will not work.
Does it save the city money? That should be the deciding factor. If I’m not mistaken, SAFD and SAPD are two of the highest paid agencies in the county for their respective functions. When someone calls 911 I bet they don’t care whose name is written on the side of the fire engine or squad car.
I can sure feel the love in this room. You could never be so wrong here Art.My family is involved in this one. Sorry cannot agree. Police and Fire are a issue I would fight anyone on to keep. If people do not want my hubby involved in thier lives then please do not call 9-11 and put his life in danger OK. I mean it!!!
What local control? Currently the Santa Ana police and fire unions control our city council by funding the candidates that do their bidding. The tail is wagging the dog.
Yes, Carona is a negative, but Santa Ana police Chief Paul Walters endorsed him – as did your amigos Joe Dunn and Lou Correa. Now Correa is headed for Sacramento and Dunn is likely to take his place on the BOS. Carona’s Dem cronies will be everywhere!
With regard to my proposal, the real question is – can we save money doing this or not? Will those savings hold true over time?
As for Karen’s point, I am not against the local police or fire. But if keeping them under the auspices of the city means paying them so much that our parks and libraries are inadequate and our streets are full of potholes, then yes, I would rather try something else. Besides, Karen you live in Orange. You have a functional city council, nice parks and great libraries. Don’t we deserve that too, here in Santa Ana?
Art, yes you do but he has to come home to me not you! My parents live in santa Ana. Plus Santa Ana is not a Union. I wish would understand that! There is such a big big difference. Anyway I want to know more about the lt. That has to do with your city council not your police anf fire. Please take it out on them not my husband.
Art—You may not like the form of local control(just as many Republicans seem to ignore local control when it suits their ideological interests–and in fairness, Democrats have traditionally ignored local control when it suited their interests) but traditionally most people want to have control over their police and fire. If their neighborhood isnt getting the service, they can go down to city hall. If city hall is not responsive, change city hall. The Board of Supervisors couldn’t care less about what you would think about more patrols for your neighborhood.
And you missed my point that if you think the county unions have too much power, why bother changing name badges?
More money for parks and libraries–you’re starting to sound like a Democrat