Coalition of liberal elite takes aim at Mansoor
Allan Mansoor, the Mayor of Costa Mesa, became a target of OC liberals when he and a majority of his city council members decided to have their city police officers trained in immigration enforcement. Now they have coalesced their effort by forming an organization called “Return to Reason,” according to a Daily Pilot article. Daily Pilot columnist Steve Smith also piled on with a column that mentioned the new group and called on Mansoor to embrace “consensus, not confrontation.”
According to the Daily Pilot article, the new anti-Mansoor group is headed by former Costa Mesa Mayor Joe Erickson, and retired Costa Mesa Police Chief Dave Snowden. Their spokesperson is an attorney named Steve Dzida.
I was not able to identify if these individuals are Democrats, but you can find out a lot about Dzida by searching for his name on the Internet. He joined a group of lawyers in saving a Catholic Worker facility in Santa Ana that was targeted by the City of Santa Ana, because they were serving homeless people, according to a Catholic Reporter article. Dzida is an experienced rabble-rouser and he knows how to work the media.
Others who have joined the new anti-Mansoor group, include:
- C.J. Segerstrom and Sons, owners of South Coast Plaza (attention Mansoor fans – time to boycott South Coast Plaza!)
- Former Costa Mesa Mayor Arlene Schaeffer
- Some guy named Manfredo Lespier
- Costa Mesa Council Member Katrina Foley
- Costa Mesa Council Member Linda Dixon
- School Board Member Dana Black
- School Board Member Dave Brooks
I spoke to Cypress Council Member Mike McGill earlier today about the attack on Mansoor. McGill led his City Council, several weeks ago, in supporting both the Mansoor plan and the similar plan developed by OC Sheriff Mike Carona. McGill mentioned that he was interviewed by a couple of Latina TV reporters about his support for Mansoor’s plan to train police officers on immigration enforcement. They asked him if he thought the Mansoor plan was racist. McGill answered them by talking about how he goes to a church that has a significant Guatemalan membership. McGill sees the Mansoor plan as protecting immigrants like his Guatemalan friends at church from the illegal immigrant criminals that prey on them.
Mansoor also mentioned in one of the Daily Pilot articles that the first illegal immigrants to get caught under his new plan were sex offenders. That’s right! Mansoor is not targeting law abiding citizens – he is going after illegals who commit crimes. What is wrong with that? I worked at a criminal defense law firm several years ago, and most of our clients were Latinos. They came to us with DUIs, sex offenses, assault and battery charges, wife-beating offenses, etc. Most of the time there victims were fellow Latinos. And many, many times the offenders skipped bail and returned to Mexico, or Central and South America. I knew that many of them would be back later with different fake ID’s and different names.
I don’t think it is reasonable to coddle criminals, and neither does Mansoor. Apparently Dzida and his liberal friends think otherwise. A line has been drawn in the sand, and I suspect when it is all over a majority of Costa Mesa residents will vote to keep Mansoor in office.
I am reminded of the disaster wrought in North Korea by the Clinton administration. They engaged in the kind of “consensus” favored by Daily Pilot columnist Steve Smith, and ended up giving Kim Jong-Il, the fascist dictator of North Korea, a nuclear power plant. And of course he is now using that plant to develop materials for nuclear warheads. Thankfully the nuclear missile he tested the other day blew up shortly after it launched. Let’s hope the “Return to Reason” group also fails to reach its target.
You just can’t negotiate with those who prey on us – criminals need to be punished. If you live in Costa Mesa, beware – the liberals are now trying to keep the criminals out of jail. That should not be tolerated. You can voice your response to this by sending a note to the Daily Pilot. You can also send your opinion to the Costa Mesa City Council via email.
If you only had a brain. Art, sometimes you seem like a reasonable and smart guy. Then you do posts like this. Everyone knows the truth about Alan Mansoor, that he is driven by a hate for Mexicans, he has been publicly heard to insult them all. Yet you continue to make excuses. Please show that you are the intelligent Art that we all have come to know and not the American idiot shown in this post, you only insult yourself. We know you are more intelligent than that.
It is holly spirit or spirits?… you must put that bottle down.
Actually this is one of these times when Art shows that he is in touch with a realty.
It is good to hear the Segerstrom group opposes the Mansoor Plan.
I attended several council meetings during the initiative being brought forward. I find the mayor to be an unprofessional, disrespectful person. What bothered me the most, was his complete lack of respect for Robert’s Rule of Order. Do they not teach that to an elected official before conducting their first organized meeting?
He simply does not strike me as a veyr bright guy.
holy spirit,
I have met Mansoor never time and I have never heard him spout anything remotely racist – but if I did hear that sort of thing come out of him I would call him on it.
The bottom line for me is that criminals who are here illegally need to be dealt with harshly. Most illegal immigrants are here to work – but some of them are bad guys and those are the ones that Mansoor is targeting. What is wrong with that?
This issue, and your email moniker, remind me of the biblical story in the New Testament, when Jesus was paraded by Pontius Pilate before a crowd, alongside a criminal named Barabas. Every year Pilate allowed the people to choose one criminal for pardon. The people chose the unrepentant criminal Barabas instead of Jesus. So too the liberals in Costa Mesa are choosing to side with the criminals instead of doing the right thing…
I am not about to claim Mansoor is not a racist guy, nor will I say he is, however, if he really cared about the criminal element only, why then does he attend minutemen rallies, and why is a member of California Coalition for Immigration Reform. Finally, why would he appoint a very well known white power activist like Millard??
Put the pieces of the puzzle together and will see a person not just interested in getting rid of criminal immigrants, but immigrants as a whole.
Not only that Luis, he has been known to badger the Newport-Mesa Unified School District trying to get them to approve a ban on Soccer playing on their property. He also has advocated for plans to strategically plant trees in parks so there can be no soccer playing in parks.
Guess which ethnicity is most known for playing Soccer in this general area? If Mansoor’s only intention was to stop crime, why is he trying to limit the activities of all Latinos, whether they be citizen, legal resident or undocumented? And if his intentions were true, why was his original plan going to have police check immigration status of people committing infractions as simple as jay walking?
Art the evidence is piling up. You are a smart man, but at times you seem to lose the smartness and say some really dumb things.
I love how you attempt to obfuscate,distort and misrepresent facts about people who have committed crimes.
Why are you always the first one to toss out the racist line?
While I do not agree with the type of crap put forth by fools like Martin Millard, he does have a right to his opinion, as do MEChA and La Raza and Lulac which also spew a hateful message in my opinion.
MEChA’s slogan translates as “For the race everything. For those outside the race, nothing.”
Miguel Perez of Cal State-Northridge’s MEChA publicly said: “Once Aztlan has been taken over, non-Chicanos would have to be expelled and opposition groups quashed because you have to keep the power.”
“We call things racism just to get attention. We reduce complicated problems to racism, not because it is racism, but because it works.” Alfredo Gutierrez, as quoted in The Phoenix Gazette, March 14, 1992
People on both sides of this issue have said and done many stupid things.
Shall we just reduce it all to simple racism?
Or shall we put our heads together and comeup with a fair solution that is win-win for all?
This country is big enough for anyone who wants to come here legally, like many in my family did.
You did not read my post, since my first line stated I was not calling anyone a name.
I asked, for someone to explain to me why Mansoor made the decisions I posted.
The issue is not about what Lulac, MeCha, or any other organization believes in. The issue is, we have an elected official, whom would like to violate the rights of a group of people.
If Mansoor would like to lock up all the criminals in the world and leave them deserted on an island, I dont really care. The problem is his actions and his memberships to organizations indicate something different.
I am glad you dont have a problem with immigrants. I am even more happy to learn you realize, unlike most folks, that we in the U.S. have the potential to grow more, but we need the help of immigrants, so hopefully they will change some rules so we can allow more immigrants to help our economy grow.
I know retired Costa Mesa Police Chief Dave Snowden and have played golf with him numerous times. Also attended his huge retirement party a few years back. I would not label him a “liberal elite.”
Luis said…
I am not about to claim Mansoor is not a racist guy, nor will I say he is, however, if he really cared about the criminal element only, why then does he attend minutemen rallies, and why is a member of California Coalition for Immigration Reform. Finally, why would he appoint a very well known white power activist like Millard??
I read it…….
And you IMPLY that Mansoor is a racist because of his affiliations.
Are people in La Raza or MEChA racist too then?
Yes this country needs immigrants.
Legal ones.
“The issue is, we have an elected official, whom would like to violate the rights of a group of people.”
I guess they didn’t read the fine print on the conditions of the Visa’s that they hold.
Whats that you say…..No visas?
Guess that makes them law breakers and as such much face the music.
And while you visit any country in the world, you MUST obey the rules and laws of the land or pay the price.
Why should the USA be any different?
If you would like to make the reference by my comments regarding Mansoor, as calling him a racist, that fine, but I am not calling him that at all.
Do I believe MeCha and Lulac to be racist organization?
NO, but I consider a lot of its members to be racist.
Is La Raza racist?
If you are referring to Voz de Aztlan, absolutely, otherwise, I dont know what La Raza is.
As I stated to Allan in a previous blog, if the word you want to be hung up on is legal vs. illegal, lets then allow for immigrants from Mexico travel freely from Mexico to the U.S. and back.
will you then allow human rights to take place?
Does documnentation for you, or lack thereof, justify injustice?
The U.S. is being hypocritical with the immigration laws you speak about because on one hand they are offering jobs to immigrants, while the other hand wants to squash them for taking it, even President Bush understands that, I hope you do to.
I am sure the Segerstrom family is shaking in their boots at the idea of Minutemen boycotting South Coast Plaza. Really Art, what kind of kool aid are you drinking. You think the inbred redneck hicks who make up the Minutemen are able to afford to shop at South Coast Plaza(other than Sears, and there are too many Mexicans for them to want to shop there) or South Coast Plaza Village? Do you really think the Minutemen make up a large portion of the clientele at restaurants like Morton’s, Maggianos, or Antonellos? Do you really think the Minutemen are sophisticated enough to go to the OC Performing Arts Center? Do you really think the Minutemen will make or break the incoming Bloomingdales?
Mansoor’s fans are racist rednecks who are too low class for South Coast Plaza. I doubt the Segerstrom’s are worried, in fact they have enough money to by Mansoor and the Minutemen and keep them as pets.
“The U.S. is being hypocritical with the immigration laws you speak about because on one hand they are offering jobs to immigrants, while the other hand wants to squash them for taking it”
The people offering jobs are scumbags looking to exploit and make a buck.
Do you really think that once millions of people become legal residents/citizens that they will continue to be employed?
They will demand higher wages and benefits and thus create a new demand for “undocumented” labor.
Until we go after people hiring them, they will continue to come.
I do not blame anyone from anywhere in the world for coming here…..I just hope we can have a fair and blanced approach to immigration.
And allowing free passage back and forth between USA and Mexico or Canada or China or Europe is not the answer.
Look at the riots in France.
Europe is paying a very heavy price for it’s immigration policy.
“will you then allow human rights to take place?”
So now it’s about human rights?
Ever hear of Burma or Sudan?
North Korea or Zimbabwe?
Uzbekistan or China?
Turkmenistan or Ethiopia?
Vietnam or Syria?
I look forward to your post about Human Rights in those countries.
California not giving non citizens drivers licenses does not a human rights violation make.
Mexicans in California have more rights here than in Mexico.
So instead of trying to change our laws, maybe you should petition the Government of Mexico for redress.
Oh….That’s right…
It illegal for a non citizen to do that in Mexico.
The comparison arguments of actions attributed to organizations with alledge agendas like those of Mecha and the alledged opposite agenda of Monsoor has no reasoning at all. The Mecha group ,for the sake of argument better compares to the Minutemen . Monsoor is totally diffrent because he runs a city and can dirrectly influence policy . The other groups can’t , therefore the alledged agenda of Monsoor is real and dangerous . Luis was not implying racism by presenting the actions of Monsoor . He stated – I am not saying Monsoor is or isn’t racist . Luis wrote down Monsoor’s actions for the readers to form their own oppinion.Hatred and prejudice doesn’t have to be spoken . Actions are louder than words .Thomas and others have the tendancy when somebody defends Immigrants to interpret that as accusing others of racism and follow up with bating comments . This is convenient because then that discredits the opinions presented. We get it ,it is not going to work . Art Lomeli
Please, Mr. Mansoor, stay on message regarding your desire to have small-town Costa Mesa assume the federal government’s duties. And get/stay tightly aligned with Wendy Leece. Open your mouth often and don’t worry about that foot in it. Last time Mansoor ran, nobody knew who he was. Now everybody does and that’s not going to be good for Al. Nor is aligning with “Let’s put religion into the public schools” Wendy Leece, well known pariah and the only school board incumbent in the last 20 years to lose her seat. Costa Mesa is still a small town. Al and Wendy are woefully out of touch with what most people in this town really want. (They only ask people who like them/their ideas)
And I would love to know — How many people can actually point to a direct, negative effect on them personally, of illegal immigration?? Mansoor’s “logic” for even pursuing this is so abstract and disconnected from daily reality for most of the population and seems scant justification for all his sky-is-falling hysteria. And those sex offenders that he keeps referring to – they were just picked up, under current laws and required no new local programs.