Media and politicians rise to Hunt’s defense
When OC Sheriff Mike Carona began his post-election attack against Bill Hunt and the other deputies who opposed him in the June 6 election, I thought at first that it would be hard to convince other elected officials and the media to stand up against Carona. Boy was I wrong!
OC Supervisors Lou Correa and Chris Norby immediately challenged Carona’s use of an attorney paid for by county funds in his attack on Hunt and the deputies. The San Clemente City Council also stepped up, as reported in the Times and the OC Register. Times columnists Dana Parsons and OC Register columnist Frank Mickadeit immediately challenged Carona’s actions, and were later joined by OC Register editorial columnist Steven Greenhut, and today by the OC Register editorial staff. Peggy Lowe also updated the story over at Total Buzz.
No one should be surprised by Carona’s reprisals against his deputies. His arrogance is shared by his closest advisors, Jon Fleischman, Michael Schroeder and John Lewis. I’m sure that Carona’s echo chamber told him it was a great idea to go on a witchHunt. Carona should have been told to tread carefully. Many Republican leaders supported him begrudgingly, and now they have a reason to go after him, as Norby and Correa are doing. Expect more of the same.
If Carona is in fact indicted, as has been hinted at for months now, he may be forced to resign. His current actions will erode his base of support substantially and he will have no defenders when and if he is indicted. His advisors will share the blame for the destruction of “America’s Top Cop.”
There is already talk of a recall against Carona. I could see that developing, and soon. In fact, it is not too early to start thinking about a replacement for Carona. I suggest we place Commander Ralph Martin on top of the replacement list. He had a decent showing in the June 6 election, and he is not burdened with the baggage that Hunt is dealing with.
Ralph Martin told half-truths to everyone. He’s not THE Commander of area II, he’s one of TWO Commanders, the other being a black female.
Martin rose through the ranks as administrative (driver, spokesman…). He is unqualified to be a Sheriff as he lacks any real time street experience.
Additionally, he did not do half the things he claimed.
Art, do your homework and a little background investigation on Martin before you start recommending him over Bill Hunt – or anyone else for that matter. The man has been described as Caronaesque by fellow L.A. Deputies.
We do not want him in our Deptartment!!
How about Paul Walters?
Walters endorsed Carona and he also supported the Reiner initiative. He’s off the reservation at this point…
As for the comments re Martin, I have not seen those claims anywhere else. Can they be backed up? I would hesitate to compare anyone to Carona. That’s just not nice…
Ralph Martin is a poor suggestion. He is weak when it comes to fighting the illegal immigration problems we have.
The claims about Martin can be backed up. Just make a few phone calls to LASO and ask if he commands alone or what exactly is his title and respsonsibilites.
Martin is a nice guy personally, but he is not Sheriff material. He does not even come clost to Lt. Bill Hunt when it comes to real cop experience in all aspects of the Sheriff’s Dept.
Wow! Martin has no street experience?? He worked a patrol car in Watts area for 5 yrs, was a gang investigator there also. He has 11 years on some of the toughest streets in the country!! Actual street time!!
He also was the platoon commander during all 4 nights of the ’92 riots. I know, I use to work with him in Antelope Valley and he was well liked and respected.
He’s very smart, sincere, great father and husband. More than I can say about the current sheriff.
I suggest you call any one of the 15,500 LASD employees who KNOW him not just the ones he has to discipline for screwing up. Why did he get such a high rating from the DEPUTIES??
I know there are alot of blind Hunt supporters, but to bash Martin as “unqualified” is juvenile.
As a hispanic, I agree on his immigration views.
Hey 4:11, I printed this so Martin can see it. Tell me exactly what he claimed that you don’t think he did……..I sense some jealosy here.
That attitude from some Hunt supporters is precisely why he lost. Hunt had potential, but many of his supporters were just outright thugs. They acted like a bunch of Raiders fans. Now poor Hunt is paying for these actions and we have to put up with a corrupt sheriff for the next four years.
Wow! I didn’t expect such a reaction from Hunt’s supporters. Calm down folks. We are a long way from getting rid of Carona, so first things first.
The good news is that more and more leaders are jumping off Carona’s bandwagon now that he has once again shown his true colors. Even Jubal, over at OC Blog, has begun to question Carona’s actions. Carona has made a fatal mistake.
The only reason Hunt did not prevail is because too many people stayed home and didn’t vote. If we just had even 1-2% more turn out, it would be a different story.
Regardless, it was good that Hunt, Martin and Alvarez were all on the ballot.
As for the comments from the one poster at 8:52, If Tim Whitacre wasn’t in Hunt’s corner, he would have came in third. Too many people in the Dept. were afraid to stand up and help. Tim brought others on board and made it happen.
We owe him a debt of gratitude, he almost made this happen.
The election is over, we should not demand that a an elected official be recalled, simply because we disagree with his politics or lack thereof. The voters have spoken.
I am no fan of Carona, but I depise recalls. It is the mentality of a spoiled child who did not get their way. The better campaigner won, and we should accept it.
It seems to me Martin may be the only true winner in this election. Although he didn’t get my vote, he got and still has my respect like many other OC deps have for him. I like his demeanor and tone.
Carona has got to know that it was Martin’s involvement in the race that made it so close. With only a $200k campaign, he did very well and obviously has friends/supporters in the OC.
Baca got 67% with 4 challengers. Martins’ 17% would have given Carona nearly the same outcome.
So Martin received 61,000 or so votes, name recognition, no debt, still has a great family and still has a great job where he is well liked by brass and line personnel.
HMMMM. He’s got to be smiling. He’ll now get to sit back and watch the show. He may be smarter than we think.
(No I really didn’t work on his campaign, so don’t go there. It’s just an observation)
To 06/12 2:37 pm
You’re right about Martin. His street experience is much higher than Carona’s or Hunt’s (combined!)
I suspect that the Martin bashing is being done by Alcarez…
I suggest you call LASD folks and ask about HIM (alcarez). He has absolutely no credibility there…The only bigger joke in LA is Reverend Massey!!
When you have a man act the way Carona did towards Hunt and his fellow Deputies who supported him, he (Carona) deserves to be recalled.
There is now total fear in the OCSD. Everybody is afraid to say or do anything against Carona. If we, as the public – the bosses of Carona – allow him to act like a bully, then we put the whole democratic process in jepoardy.
Carona must go!!!
Dear Orange Juice Crew,
Are you guys/gals on summer vacation? Not many new articles of late. I know you must all be busy. Keep up the great work!