Media and politicians rise to Hunt’s defense

When OC Sheriff Mike Carona began his post-election attack against Bill Hunt and the other deputies who opposed him in the June 6 election, I thought at first that it would be hard to convince other elected officials and the media to stand up against Carona. Boy was I wrong!

OC Supervisors Lou Correa and Chris Norby immediately challenged Carona’s use of an attorney paid for by county funds in his attack on Hunt and the deputies. The San Clemente City Council also stepped up, as reported in the Times and the OC Register. Times columnists Dana Parsons and OC Register columnist Frank Mickadeit immediately challenged Carona’s actions, and were later joined by OC Register editorial columnist Steven Greenhut, and today by the OC Register editorial staff. Peggy Lowe also updated the story over at Total Buzz.

No one should be surprised by Carona’s reprisals against his deputies. His arrogance is shared by his closest advisors, Jon Fleischman, Michael Schroeder and John Lewis. I’m sure that Carona’s echo chamber told him it was a great idea to go on a witchHunt. Carona should have been told to tread carefully. Many Republican leaders supported him begrudgingly, and now they have a reason to go after him, as Norby and Correa are doing. Expect more of the same.

If Carona is in fact indicted, as has been hinted at for months now, he may be forced to resign. His current actions will erode his base of support substantially and he will have no defenders when and if he is indicted. His advisors will share the blame for the destruction of “America’s Top Cop.”

There is already talk of a recall against Carona. I could see that developing, and soon. In fact, it is not too early to start thinking about a replacement for Carona. I suggest we place Commander Ralph Martin on top of the replacement list. He had a decent showing in the June 6 election, and he is not burdened with the baggage that Hunt is dealing with.

About Admin

"Admin" is just editors Vern Nelson, Greg Diamond, or Ryan Cantor sharing something that they mostly didn't write themselves, but think you should see. Before December 2010, "Admin" may have been former blog owner Art Pedroza.