Avila campaign rolling along

This just in from the Rosie Avila campaign for the 47th Congressional District:

Thank you to all the volunteers who came out last Saturday for neighborhood walks. You are making a difference!

We have 2 Saturdays to go before the June 6 primary election, and a lot going on this weekend:

* Strawberry Festival Parade
* 36,000-piece mailing must be ready Tuesday, May 30.
* Neighborhood walks This Saturday, May 27th is a special day. Rosie will be riding in the Garden Grove Strawberry Festival parade. She would like all who are able, to turn out and show their support with Rosie signs and Rosie T-shirts. Beginning Saturday 10:00 am, the parade will follow this route:
START (10 am) at 9th St & Chapman Av. Proceed West on Chapman. Turn South at Euclid. Proceed South to Festival Grounds at “Village Green” (Euclid Park located at Stanford & Euclid). Parade lasts about 80 minutes from any given point along the route.

[ Click Here for Map of Parade Route ]

Of course, the festival itself is a nice family event; we have some shirts to fit older kids. Your signs, Tee shirts and reading materials can be picked up at Rosie Campaign Headquarters most day/evening hours between now and the parade. Please remember your Hats &sunscreen.

Campaign Headquarters cross-streets are Fairview & McArthur, 1 mile North of the 405 / Fairview exit.

[ Click Here for Map to Rosie Headquarters ]

We have a huge mailing to assemble before Tuesday. This will go to 36,000 voters rated most likely to vote in the GOP primary. This work is taking place now, and is expected to continue day and evening, Saturday, Sunday (after 2pm) and Monday. We need all hands to come help collate, fold, stuff and stamp. There will be refreshments, fellowship and a merry time. (Note: “The more– the merrier” is operative here.)

For those who would prefer to walk neighborhoods rather than attend the parade, our office will be open from 9:00 am (probably earlier), to make precinct kits, shirts and other materials available.

We are still sending out teams weekday evenings and still have opportunities to help if you cannot walk. We still need people to help at the office during weekdays.

To find out how you can help, call: (714) 557-6743 Please forward this to your conservative friends in central O.C. Ken Wagner, Volunteer coordinator

About Admin

"Admin" is just editors Vern Nelson, Greg Diamond, or Ryan Cantor sharing something that they mostly didn't write themselves, but think you should see. Before December 2010, "Admin" may have been former blog owner Art Pedroza.