Rohrabacher endorses Williams for the 69th Assembly District
I received the press release below from Ryan Gene Williams, the sole GOP candidate for the 69th Assembly District. The Rohrabacher endorsement is potentially huge for him.
(Santa Ana, CA) Longtime conservative Republican congressman Dana Rohrabacher (R-Huntington Beach) has endorsed Ryan Gene Williams for the 69th Assembly District, after they met at the recently concluded California College Republican convention in Anaheim, at the Crowne Plaza Hotel.
Also endorsing Williams this weekend were State Controller candidate Tony Strickland; State Assemblywoman Audra Strickland (R-Moorpark); State Assemblywoman Lynn Daucher (R-Brea); and Williams was also endorsed by the Young Republican Federation of California (YRFC).
Ryan is running unopposed in the June Primary. If you have any questions, contact Williams at 949-400-1435.
Way to go Ryan G!
Also like the photos on your website. Single?
Now see what happens when you meet with the log cabin club Ryan? It’s all good when it’s Octurian!
That must have been a very difficult decision for Rohrbacher, considering there is no other Republican in this race!
This is not a huge thing at all, as Art implies.
Dana is a loser and a hatemonger. His claim to fame is writing speeches for Reagan. He has never held a real job…he sold a screenplay in violation of the House’s ethics rules…and always sports a bad haircut to boot. Somebody needs to give him the boot!
Still, I’m impressed with how far Ryan has come.
When Ryan is President some day you haters will be eating your words…Go Ryan Go!
Ryan, why are you running for both the AD seat and the Republican Central Committee? Doesn’t running for AD automatically give you a seat on CC?
Running for both is not such a bad strategy.
At the time Ryan filed for Rep. Central Comm. he had no way of knowing he’d be uncontested in the Assembly race. Only the nominee gets an ex-oficio seat.
And having his name twice on the ballot virtually guarantees a victory, as it will make voters think the name sounds familiar to them. This is probably works best with absentee voters (who still use cards) and a bit less likely with electronic voting, though.
he also support the dubai port deal. big deal.dana should retire and go away. once chris cox left the house the oc delegation suffered a loss of 3/4 of their brain power.
Ryan will snatch this right out of the hands of Jose and Claudia.
Both have dirty hands.
Not likely.