Moreno’s Central Committee comments create a stir

As I reported earlier this week, Lupe Moreno, the conservative GOP candidate for the 34th State Senate District, resigned from the OC GOP Central Committee, after they voted for a second time and handed O.C. Sheriff Mike Carona a bitterly disputed endorsement- by a margin of either one or four votes depending on who you talk to. What I did not report on was Moreno’s full comments at the time, but now O.C. Register columnist Frank Mickadeit has done that for us, at

Moreno pointed out the fact that one of the liberal Democrats endorsed in the past by Carona was John Palacio, a fellow who supported the recent revision to the Santa Ana Unified School District’s sexual education policy. That policy is a sea change from the past policy of abstinence, and as Moreno pointed out it includes masturbation.

Mickadeit of course had a field day with the comment. Of course he called Palacio for comment, and of course Palacio, who is as surly as his buddy Nativo Lopez, hung up on Mickadeit. Nice. Maybe Mickadeit should have asked Carona to call his old Boy Scout buddy Palacio…

I disagree with Mickadeit’s comments regarding the revote, but he is right to question Congressman Dana Rohrabacher’s ridiculous comments about Carona’s stance on immigration. Who cares what Carona thinks about immigration – it is a smokescreen meant to mollify conservatives and to distract from the real issue, which is Carona’s boneheaded scandals, and endorsements of Democrats, which fill three pages and continue to grow.

As for Moreno, I don’t think the comments will hurt her. She was factually correct. They were startling, but sometimes you have to shock folks when they become complacent – and the Central Committee members who voted to endorse Carona are, if anything, utterly complacent. Besides, if stopping illegal immigration is that important to them, why are they silent on the issue of Carona’s endorsement of Palacio, a former MALDEF activist, and Lopez, the man thought to be behind the recent rioting in Los Angeles and Santa Ana? Indeed, Lopez is taking credit for organizing the upcoming May 1, “Day without a Latino” protests.

If you are at all concerned about illegal immigration, forget the scandalous Carona. You need to vote for Lupe Moreno for the 34th State Senate District. That will send a huge message to the GOP establishment that thinks RINO Lynn Daucher is a better fit for the district.

About Admin

"Admin" is just editors Vern Nelson, Greg Diamond, or Ryan Cantor sharing something that they mostly didn't write themselves, but think you should see. Before December 2010, "Admin" may have been former blog owner Art Pedroza.