Republican activist fires back at Caronistas

I received the letter below today, via email. It is a very detailed description of the shameful actions of the Caronistas on the OC GOP endorsement committee, on the evening of April 10, when they succeeded in their attempt to revist the issue of endorsing Carona at the next OC GOP Central Committee. Nothing I can write will be as powerful as what you are about to read:

Response in the matter of Republican Party’s Endorsement Committee Meeting, April 10, 2006, 6:00 to 10:00 pm.

Sheriff Carona did not obtain the GOP endorsement last month, which led to the publication of a formal complaint against Tim Whitacre (Bill Hunt’s non-paid Campaign Consultant, filed by Corona’s paid consultant Matt Holder).

This formal complaint was dated April 4, 2006 and sent to Scott Baugh, Chairman of the Republican Party of Orange County.

The complaint was issued stating Tim Whitacre, subverted the endorsementprocess, by making false statements and therefore misleading the central committee when he addressed them on March 20th, thereby preventing the endorsement of Mike Carona by one vote. This complaint letter was e-mailedto Mr. Whitacre in the afternoon on Friday the 7th of April, 2006, giving him two non-business days to prepare a response and appear before a committee on Monday night April 10, 2006.

I am disappointed that Mr. Baugh would even consider referring this matter to any committee, let alone this one, which is represented by Corona’s attorney and key advisors.

Tim Whitacre was required to address the committee, which includes Mike Schroeder, Carona’s attorney, and Jon Fleischman, both close advisors toCarona.

At Schroeder’s ruling, Tim was given only six minutes to present a defense against two pages of accusations!

Tim truthfully argued that the endorsement’s committee did not have jurisdiction on what was essentially an ethics charge brought on by Matt Holder, partner in Lewis Consulting and hired gun for Carona, and, who is not even a member of the central committee – he’s an alternate.

Tim asked that since it was unprecedented for the Endorsements Committee to hear an ethics complaint, the committee should abide by Ethics Committeeby-laws, which provide for any committee member who works for either campaign; publicly endorses either campaign; donated to either campaign; or volunteers for either campaign, to recuse themselves.

The only one, who did recuse, was Lupe Moreno, who has openly endorsed Bill Hunt for Sheriff. Neither Mike Schroeder or Jon Fleischman, who both work for Carona, would recuse themselves and in fact were the maker and second to the motion to fly Tim up the flagpole from the complaint filed by Matt Holder – hired gun for Carona.

It was clear that these men orchestrated this event; utilized Tim as the scapegoat to obtain an unprecedented second chance for Carona to receive the valuable endorsement of the County Party.

When it was time for Central Committee Members to comment, three member sstood up said great things about Tim and his years of committed volunteer service to the OC GOP as well as attested to his integrity. No one spoke upon behalf of Carona.

Mike Schroeder was clearly making some things up as he went along, upsetting Tim to the point that he very vocally and out of order, called Schroeder a liar on more than one occasion. Fleischman was no better with his comments, both pontificating for easily 15 minutes each.

I could not believe what I had witnessed at this meeting and how deeply affected I was by the manner in which this meeting was conducted. It was the most underhanded example of a well planned out ambush against Tim’s character, in order to enable them the second opportunity to re-vote on the Sheriff’s endorsement.

I now have such a clear picture of the underhanded and dishonest lengths that Mike Carona’s paid staff will go and do in order to get an endorsement.The fact that they are willing to split the Republican Party, cause division, and question Tim’s long time record of credibility was shocking.

During the ‘hearing’, Mike Schroeder let it slip that he, in fact, wrote the letter that Matt Holder signed. So after the meeting, I asked Mr. Schroeder when was the first time he saw the letter? He stated, “After it was published.” I then asked, “So you had nothing to do with this letter before it was published”. Let’s just say he didn’t even look me in the eye when he said, “No.” I can say from certainty that this letter was drafted by a legal professional and I believe it was Mr. Schroeder. I then wandered over to Matt Holder and asked him, “Can you just verify that you are a paid consultant for Sheriff Carona?” He was indignant and stated, “I sure am – and proud of it.”

Tim did the best he could with the time he had but it was clearly a railroad job with the outcome pre-destined. Last night, Tim unfairly took a big one on the chin for everything good the GOP is supposed to stand for, as well as for the men and women in the Sheriff’s Department who have rejected Mike Carona and have endorsed Lt.Bill Hunt. Tim didn’t have a chance, but he stood tall. I am so sorry and embarrassed to have witnessed what he went through.

Mrs. Cheryl Atkinson, Concerned Republican

About Admin

"Admin" is just editors Vern Nelson, Greg Diamond, or Ryan Cantor sharing something that they mostly didn't write themselves, but think you should see. Before December 2010, "Admin" may have been former blog owner Art Pedroza.