Mike McGill opens campaign headquarters in Huntington Beach
This press release just came in from Cypress City Councilman Mike McGill, who is running for the 67th Assembly District against O.C. Supervisor Jim Silva:
APR-06-2006, THU
Headquarters Now Open !!!
Join us this Sunday for our Grand Opening Celebration.
We will be having a party this Sunday evening, April 9, from 5-7pm to celebrate the Grand Opening of our new HQ!
Our campaign offices are now located at 7222 Edinger Ave. Suite 200 in Huntington Beach. [Located just east of Golden West at the Cal National Bank.]
Come by to see our new offices, enjoy some refreshments and have a chance to visit with Mike and learn about the amazing progress we are making in this race.
Please come by the office earlier in the day if you are available to pick up a packet and help walk a precinct in HB before the party. This one is easy, we are just dropping the flyers on the doorstep.
To RSVP or sign up to walk a precinct, call Josh at (562) 587-1787
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