Daucher on the wrong side on immigration
I got a call today from a friend in Missouri – he said that even there callers to conserative radio talk shows are aghast at the protests that took place this weekend in Los Angeles and other big cities in the southwestern U.S., regarding HR 4437, the Sensenbrenner immigration bill. He asked me where Lynn Daucher, the RINO candidate for the 34th State Senate District stood on immigration – and I had no idea.
As is usually the case, I found the answer online, where a search engine led me to a January column by noted conservative blogger Stephen Frank. There I found the following excerpts regarding Daucher and her positions on immigration-related measures, and other important issues:
“Finally, there is Lynn Daucher. In 2002 voted for the largest tax increase in California history. Got elected using large sums of CTA and other union money. Voted for in-state tuition for illegal aliens. In 2002 she wanted California governments to accept phony ID cards, Matricula Consular cards, from illegal aliens as proof of ID. ” http://www.capoliticalnews.com/discuss.php?id=259
Apparently Daucher wisened up and voted against driver’s licenses for illegal immigrants – but that might be the only time she went along with Assembly conservatives.
Immigration is now the biggest issue in the GOP, at least in California, and Daucher’s record won’t help her in the upcoming primary, where she will have to court the votes of Republicans – unlike the Open Primary that took place when she was first elected to the Assembly. In that election, Democrats voted with liberal Republicans in the primary and were able to elect Daucher over a more conservative candidate.
I wonder how Daucher will present herself to the Republican voters in the 34th? She cannot fool anyone this time around. My sources indicate that she is keeping busy calling local Republican elected officials, seeking their endorsements. If that is the case, then I expect that her mailers will focus on listing her endorsements. I don’t know if local Republicans voters will care about that. If Moreno can raise enough money to do a couple of absentee voter mailers, she will wipe Daucher out just on the immigration issue.
If you are interested in contributing to Moreno, go to her website, www.lupemorenoforcasenate.com, and slick on the “donate” button.
Tally for the final vote for AB 60, passed back in 2002 the last time Davis vetoed it. This was just before the issue really caught fire and. Look at all the Reps who abstained or voted for it, including John Campbell, Lynn Daucher and Tony Strickland.
Alquist Aroner Briggs Calderon
Canciamilla Cardenas Cardoza Cedillo Chan Chavez Chu Cohn
Corbett Correa Diaz Dutra
Firebaugh Florez rommer Goldberg
Horton Jackson Keeley Kehoe
Kelley Koretz Liu Longville
Lowenthal Maldonado Matthews Migden
Nakano Nation Negrete-McLeod Oropeza Papan Pavley Reyes Salinas Shelley Simitian Steinberg Strickland Strom-Martin Thomson Vargas Washington Wesson Wiggins Wright Hertzberg
Aanestad Ashburn Bates Bogh
Bill Campbell Cogdill Dickerson Harman Hollingsworth La Suer Leach Leonard Leslie Maddox Mountjoy Pescetti Richman Runner Wyman Zettel
John Campbell Cox Daucher Havice
Robert Pacheco Rod Pacheco Wayne Wyland
Correa voted yes. How is that going to go over in the 34th?
What with the sudden change in thinking. You yourself posted a while back in favor of drivers licenses for the undoucumented, and now you have not only joined with Lupe Moreno, and have become against immigrants. What has caused this change in philosophy?
Pretty soon, you are going to be spouting the same rhetoric minutemen and other hate groups will be spouting. I am dissapointed to hear your current views on such issues I thought we had in common.
How do you ever expect to get Latinos tuning in to the Republican Party when they are not “retro” old Republicans? It looks like the Republican Party takes one step forward and two steps back.
Can we at least all agree on this: Every government employee who operates or contributes to a blog should be investagated. Read Jon Flash and Phil Paule.
First of all, I am always suspicious when Democrats try to advise the GOP – thanks but we’ll tend to our party, and you should tend to yours.
Secondly, I am not against immigrants – but I do think that we need to draw a distinction between those who come here legally and those who don’t. While I feel sorry for the latter, in these post-911 days, we can ill afford to maintain a porous border. For security reasons, we need to solve this issue before we fall prey to another attack.
Thirdly, I don’t like the idea of giving regular driver’s licenses to the undocumented, as they could conceivably misuse these ID cards. My preference would be for some kind of temporary card, but quite frankly the real solution is to do something to legitimize their status. I don’t like the idea of another amnesty, but would be open to other ideas.
Lastly, re Lupe Moreno, I agree with her on most issues – she believes in cutting taxes, school choice, improving transportation, etc. Take a look at her ballot statement and see for yourself, at http://www.oc.ca.gov/ELECTION/candidate/pri2006/1222-1.pdf.
Moreno’s opponent, the liberal carpetbagger Lynn Daucher, has a record of opposing tax decreases; being supported by unions; and supporting ruinous eminent domain measures. She is a Republican in name only (RINO). As such, Moreno is the best choice for area conservatives.
You should not be suspicious of me as I am not a democrat nor am telling you Republicans what you should believe in. Frankly, pertaining to any party is dumb to me since many times you are compromised in speaking your mind in fear your party may be upset.
You have stated your clarification on the immigration issue, and I thank you for that, but changing the looks of a driver’s license simply to identify immigration status is like placing a flat out sign on someone forehead reading, “its ok abuse me all you want, I can not defend myself.” So I say, no thanks.
Art, one thing I have noticed is that you continue to state your candidate is a multi-issue candidate, when we all know her intentional for ever running for any political office always has to do with immigration. Regardless of what you may write on a ballot statement, or a website, Lupe Moreno is synonymous with anti-immigration and I have yet to see her oppose any other issue or favor any issue which does not involve immigration.
You also readily attack Lynn Daucher whom I personally can care less about, but keep in mind, even Republicans have better choices than Moreno and Daucher, there are democrats running for office who can serve better than the two republicans.
You are savvy enough to know how the system works – my candidate has to make it out of the primary in order to face the Dems you referenced. Thus my only concern is the primary. I’ll worry about the general election later.
As for the Dems, Umberg is not much of a choice – he is a liar and an adulterer. Correa is the only decent choice of the Dem candidates, and now Umberg is trying to force him off the ballot. That figures. No way Umberg can beat Correa in a fair election.
I do hope Umberg prevails though – from a selfish perspective – as my candidate can definitely beat him. He is too liberal and too much of a carpetbagger, and as I noted he has plenty of personal baggage too.
You are also politically savvy and know your candidate does not have a reall chance of winning an election regardless of who is on the ballot on the other side.
You have stated some where you know this but are trying to bring awareness about her issues. Do you mean your number one concern is immigration as that is the only like Lupe Moreno can bring to the public?
I believe now is the time to post the interview I had with Ms. Moreno on March 19th. In advance of asking a question, I wrote down her stance on a particular issue then asked the question.
I met one-on-one with candidate Lupe Moreno Sunday morning (March 19, 2006) and posed the following questions:
In reading the various blogs out there, you have very divisive people speaking on your behalf. If elected, how will you work toward consensus building within the Republican Party that is left of your views?
? Unaware of blogs
? Doesn
Thanks. I thought Lupe was a nut case but you proved to me she might be an underdog, but she is deserving of help. Some of us don’t find her references to God insulting. I frankly find her faith inspiring. Who are you anyway? Who in the heck have you ever gotten elected? Do you feel better about yourself belittling what appears to be a women who lives her life by following her faith? How many people have been elected who had exactly what she has…not very much money but the faith she is doing the right thing? It doesn’t always work out but save me your expert commentary you fool. You have inspired me to help her.
Anonymous, there was no commentary involved nor was she belittled.
I happen to like Lupe and admire her faith and courage.
The questions were asked and answered – simply that.
You set up Lupe – she was told that your conversation was going to be about education – not that she was going to be grilled about myriad issues. As such Lupe did not tell me about the meeting. She had no idea that it was an ambush.
That said, I am pleased to hear that now you like Lupe. She is a plainly spoken, honest and God fearing woman who has suffered very much in her life – but she has never given up.
Lupe is not terribly dissimiliar from many of the women in her district. She is a working woman and a single mother with a child who has special needs. She has my undying admiration.
I won’t let Lupe meet with any more folks who are out to embarrass her. That means Bernedette that your first meeting with Lupe will also be your last.
As we saw with the rioters in Santa Ana today, there is a need for strong people like Lupe to stand against the anarchy. She will hold firm and she will prevail in the primary.
Art, let’s not start down that road again. At no point did I say we would me on education and as our lengthy emails back and forth indicated, at any time after we initially sat down she was free to leave.
The difference between you and I, Art, is that I like and respect people despite their views differing from mine.
Shall I publish our emails and let the bloggers decide?
It might be a good idea to stop concentrating on bashing Lynn Daucher and Tom Umberg and take a peek at Ms. Moreno’s website. It states she is running for the 4th District. Furthermore, you are asking for campaign donations without providing the required ID#. That’s a no-no. Perhaps this explains the $15,000 fundraiser goal.
If her bio is suppose to familiarize me with Ms. Moreno, the candidate and person, I can comment that she is a poor communicator, writer and dreadful speller. Shame on her campaign consultants for allowing her to post such drivel.
The photograph of Ms. Moreno with Cox and Royce lends the appearance that they are endorsing her, yet there is no formal annoucement of their endorsement for Ms. Moreno. Hijacking endorsements without the consent of Cox and Royce is misleading to the voters and could be construed as lying to the voters.
Ms. Moreno’s intent to mislead the voters is troublesome.
Ms. Moreno has no political record to run on. She has perfected her victimization by illegal immigrants throughout her life to catapult her into the political arena. Barbara Coe and Jim Gilchrist have latched on to their
Latina poster girl and they are no different than the illegal immigrants who have abused Ms. Moreno.
Ms. Moreno needs professional help.
Her endless laundry list of activities clearly indicates she is a woman running from an unresolved past. Staying busy precludes her from dealing with the pain she’s endured caused by, according to her, illegal immigrants.
You are contributing to the cycle of abuse Ms. Moreno requires to function day-to-day and that’s why she should not be seeking political office at this time.
If that’s what a Real Republican is, you can have it.
Ms. Moreno did not tell you about the meeting because she is not schooled in the protocol of a political campaign and that is your fault!
You’re glib at scoulding Ms. Medrano but it’s apparent that you are working overtime protecting a candidate that doesn’t know what the hell is going on. You are singularly making your client and Art Pedroza look bad!
Lupe can’t meet with protestors because she’s fearful; she cannot freely talk with voters because you
accuse them of ambusing her.
It’s beginning to read like you have Mr. Moreno on a tight choke holder and that prompts the question — WHY?
Isn’t Ms. Moreno capable of dealing with community leaders? If she isn’t confident enough to stand up for herself, I doubt she can effectively handle the boys in Sacramento.
I personally find it offensive that you failed to school your client in the ABC’s of political campaigning and then place the blame on a constituent.
Own up to your mistakes and stop blaming women.
I’d wager you spoon fed Ms. Moreno the ambush story and she bought it. And so the victimization of Ms. Moreno continues.
Hey Artster, why not heed the advise and spend more time promoting your candidate and her stand on the issues – oh wait – based on Ms. Medrano’s interview – she has no clear stand.
Shame on you Artster for not preparing your candidate. Shame, shame, shame.
ART posted
” I am always suspicious when Democrats try to advise the GOP-thanks but we’ll tend to our Party and you should tend to yours.”
Art, now you can see why Democrats are suspicious of you pumping up Armando de Libertad and Lou Correa and trashing Alvarez, Solorio & Umberg. Suggesting people should support the first two and 86 the others.
Tend to your Party and let Democrats tend to theirs.
More to the point, Artster should tend to his candidate.
Luis Rodriguez says:
“Art has decided to assist a candidate who simply is not worth the time and true feelings are about hate.”
Just maybe that is why Artster is self-promoting instead of preparing and promoting his candidate.
He is feeding her to the wolves, what a heck of a campaign manager!
Art, welcome to politics. The ankle biters are out in force today. Maybe each should put forth their qualifications before they attack you and the job you are doing for Lupe Marino. I don’t know her and maybe she isn’t the best candidate but so what. She is in the arena, unlike these other people, and fighting for her cause. She should be applauded. Critics come with the game but these snide remarks come from people who are deeply dissatisfied with their lives.
I think you are misjudging intelligent discourse for hate.
Why suggest “Maybe each should put forth their qualifications before they attack you …”
My qualifications: US Citizen and Santa Ana Voter.
Getting too warm for ya?
Louis Rodriguez
You post ” Art has performed in a marvelous way when it comes to choosing level headed canmdidates.”
Lupe Moreno a level headed candidate? Rosie Avila a level headed candidate? Ok,. maybe Van Tran(he could see the loss coming).
You’re not doing your friend Armando any favors by that post.
My point is that if Art wants to keep Dems out of playing in the GOP primaries(which is why he claims they have Daucher & Harmon in the first place)then he should stay out of the Democratic primaries. People will take his comments about Democrats in primaries with great skepticism, just as he would if a Democrat running for Democratic Central Committee starting saying how great Daucher or Harmon or McGill was.