Daucher on the wrong side on immigration

I got a call today from a friend in Missouri – he said that even there callers to conserative radio talk shows are aghast at the protests that took place this weekend in Los Angeles and other big cities in the southwestern U.S., regarding HR 4437, the Sensenbrenner immigration bill. He asked me where Lynn Daucher, the RINO candidate for the 34th State Senate District stood on immigration – and I had no idea.

As is usually the case, I found the answer online, where a search engine led me to a January column by noted conservative blogger Stephen Frank. There I found the following excerpts regarding Daucher and her positions on immigration-related measures, and other important issues:

“Finally, there is Lynn Daucher. In 2002 voted for the largest tax increase in California history. Got elected using large sums of CTA and other union money. Voted for in-state tuition for illegal aliens. In 2002 she wanted California governments to accept phony ID cards, Matricula Consular cards, from illegal aliens as proof of ID. ” http://www.capoliticalnews.com/discuss.php?id=259

Apparently Daucher wisened up and voted against driver’s licenses for illegal immigrants – but that might be the only time she went along with Assembly conservatives.

Immigration is now the biggest issue in the GOP, at least in California, and Daucher’s record won’t help her in the upcoming primary, where she will have to court the votes of Republicans – unlike the Open Primary that took place when she was first elected to the Assembly. In that election, Democrats voted with liberal Republicans in the primary and were able to elect Daucher over a more conservative candidate.

I wonder how Daucher will present herself to the Republican voters in the 34th? She cannot fool anyone this time around. My sources indicate that she is keeping busy calling local Republican elected officials, seeking their endorsements. If that is the case, then I expect that her mailers will focus on listing her endorsements. I don’t know if local Republicans voters will care about that. If Moreno can raise enough money to do a couple of absentee voter mailers, she will wipe Daucher out just on the immigration issue.

If you are interested in contributing to Moreno, go to her website, www.lupemorenoforcasenate.com, and slick on the “donate” button.

About Admin

"Admin" is just editors Vern Nelson, Greg Diamond, or Ryan Cantor sharing something that they mostly didn't write themselves, but think you should see. Before December 2010, "Admin" may have been former blog owner Art Pedroza.