Carona fails to secure the Repulican Party of Orange County endorsement
This just in from tonight’s Republican Party of Orange County Central Committee meeting – Lupe Moreno, Rosie Avila and Costa Mesa Mayor Alan Mansoor spoke on behalf of Bill Hunt and Kermit Marsh, Erin Runyon, and Jon “My Finger Slipped” Fleischman spoke on behalf of Carona. When the smoke cleared, Carona was unable to secure an endorsement from the Central Committee. Hunt also could not get enough votes, but clearly the night was a victory for his team. Kudos to Tim Whitacre for pulling this off!
In related news, a judge denied the Carona team’s attempt to censure Bill Hunt’s candidate statement. He will be allowed to remind voters that Carona’s reign has been scandalous. Again – kudos to Whitacre for rebuffing the unethical “Caronistas.”
Lt. Bill Hunt did not want an endorsement from Central Committee. I spoke in his place for ten minutes against Carona while he was at a fundraiser in San Clemente.
It was Bill’s opinion that since there were four Republicans in the race and no special circumstances, that none of the candidates should be endorsed.
It was very unfair for Ralph Martin and Bob Alcaraz because they are unkown to the committee and therefore did not have sufficient time to garner support to be considered. I looked to recognize them from the podium, but they were understandably not present.
Carona even brought the mother of Samantha Runion,the murdered 5 year old, to speak on his behalf. How sad.
I was not informed that I could have three Central Committee Members to speak in favor of Bill Hunt until minutes before the meeting started.
It took great courage for Lupe Moreno, Rosie Avila and Allan Mansoor to get up and speak as they are all candidates running for office and knew that it could very well cost them support and endorsements from the pro-Carona crowd. I am so very proud of them for doing the right thing. They did the whole county a huge favor tonight.
In the end, the Good Lord saw fit to have the end result be as it was.
What a great day.
Semper Fi,
Tim Whitacre
That’s okay – Carona can always join his pal Tom Fuentes in the hallowed halls of the SOCCCD – where the powers that be named Carona “hometown hero” after all.
Monday, March 20, 2006
OC GOP Central Committee Roundup
This is a report from humble servant, the Powder Blue Report on what went on at the OC Central Committee meeting tonight. This is the first meeting I’ve been to in a long time. If tonight was any indication, I will be making many trips back there for all the intrigue going on. I saw a lot of familiar faces as we arrived. Jon Fleischman was kind enough to introduce Lynn and I to the Sheriff, Mike Carona. It was great to finally meet the top law enforcement officer of the county. I wished him well in his race even though I am supporting another candidate. It’s nothing personal against the Sheriff. As I’ve said before, I think we need a fresh face for the office.
As the meeting wore on, it became apparent that the battle lines were drawn for the question of who gets the party’s endorsement for Sheriff. Both Sheriff Carona’s people(Fleischman & Schroeder) and Lt. Hunt’s people(Tim Whitacre & others) were working the room vigorously to line up last minute support and hand out literature on their guy. Tim Whitacre gave the best speech of the night. He hit all the points that needed hitting. I’m proud to associate myself with a man of such integrity. Erin Runnion spoke for few minutes on behalf of Mike Carona and the Sheriff finished off his time by listing his accomplishments(or lack thereof) in office. Points were made about the Sheriff’s endorsement of Nativo Lopez. This doesn’t sit well with all the 69th district central members. I liked the line that one of Hunt’s speakers said…”would Ronald Reagan have endorsed Nativo Lopez?” Ouch! Allan Mansoor also spoke and he endorsed Bill Hunt. I’m liking the Mayor of Costa Mesa more and more. The best speaker for the Sheriff was actually Jon “Flash” Fleischman. In the end, drumroll please….the Sheriff did not get the 2/3s majority needed for an endorsement. The vote was 31-17. They needed four more votes. I should say that there was also a contested vote on a motion by Tim Whitacre to have the vote on a secret paper ballot. That vote needed a simple majority and failed on a 28-24 vote. In the end, I’m proud that the Sheriff did not receive the coveted endorsement of the county party. I was proud to see a plurality of central committee members stick up for integrity.
“Semper Fi” is a well known Marine Motto. What does this mean? Is this more about fighting and conquering?
Where does the OC Republican Party stand regarding the Minutemen issue? Are the Minutemen defining the Republican Party since Lupe Moreno, Rosie Avila and Allan Mansoor were key speakers? What does this mean? Are people like Lupe Moreno defining the OC Republican Party?
If the Good Lord saw fit to have this end result, then what would the Good Lord say about the immigrant issue?
By the way, didn’t Jesus ask us to protect the meek? Didn’t he seek compassion?
What happened to the compassionate conservative? I have not heard much compassion lately. What has happened to Conservative Christians? Have they lost connection with the words of Jesus?
Okay, he said, she said, blah, blah, blah,
Where does the OC Republican Party stand regarding the Minutemen issue?
Didn’t Jesus ask us to protect the meek? What happened to the compassionate conservative? Have they lost connection with the words of Jesus?
Jesus said, “Render unto Rome that which is Rome’s.” In other words, obey the law.
He also said, “the poor will always be with you.” That means that while we ought to help the unfortunate, we are not going to legislate them out of poverty.
Now why don’t you liberals tell me what Jesus would think of folks using abortion as birth control…
About as much as he would think of the state using capital punishment.
I’m not so sure about that. The Bible is replete with tales of bad guys being put to the knife – but Jesus said that treating children badly would result in damnation. Think about it – the story of David versus Goliath loses a lot of its impact if David puts Goliath in jail instead of lopping his head off.
Of course Jesus was a pacifist, so he would likely be against abortion and against the death penalty. But just because many liberals are against the death penalty doesn’t take them off the hook for killing babies.
That said, I am personally against the death penalty because quite simply it is too expensive to enforce. We waste millions of dollars trying to kill criminals. I would just as soon lock them up for life and take away everything they enjoy. Surely a life filled with endless cold balogna sandwiches and no TV or other forms of entertainment would be a fate worse than death for most criminals…
Tim –
It’s reported that you lied at last night’s Central Committee meeting telling members that Chief Paul Walters has not endorsed Carona. Is that true?
If you mislead those voting last evening then you are no better than Skippy.
What office is Mansoor seeking?
Thou shall not kill doesn’t allow loopholes. Of course, we make exceptions(self defense, abortion in some cases, capital punishment, wars) but Jesus loved the sinners and the saints and asked people to put aside the violent ways of the Old Testament. The late Pope John Paul II and the US Catholic bishops were and are onrecord as opposing abortion and the death penalty. And yes, liberals are no more off the hook by opposing capital punishment and supporting abortion then conservatives are off the hook for opposing abortion but supporting capital punishment.
Art Pedroza said- “He also said, “the poor will always be with you.” That means that while we ought to help the unfortunate, we are not going to legislate them out of poverty.”
Did God actually tell you (or Rosie or Lupe) that is what he meant? Or is that your own personal interpretation? By what authority do you claim this is what Jesus meant?
Holy Spiri,
When Martin Luther translated the Bible from Latin to German, he gave the masses free reign to at least read the Good Book for themselves – and to draw their own conclusions. I am not a Catholic – I have been a Protestant all of my life and as such I reserve the right to read the Bible and to draw my own conclusions.
Now tell me, what do you think Jesus meant when he said “The poor will always be with you.”? I suppose he also could have been alluding to the fact that, human nature being what it is, some people will never work hard enough or get enough education to make it in this life.
Of course some are victims of sad circumstances, but even the illegals that come here do so to work for the most part. That they remain poor is due to the language barrier, their lack of papers, and their lack of education – not to a lack of desire.
The truth of the matter is, Schroeder and Fleischman, along with the entire executive committee already made up the rules for the evening and knew who was going speak on behalf of Carona. Whitacre was not even informed of the plan until minutes before the meeting started.
Schroeder and Fleischman were working the individual members over and asked them not speak with Whitacre on behalf of Hunt. In spite of that, both Rosie Avila and Lupe Moreno stood up and did the right thing, as did Allan Mansoor.
The speakers for Hunt are all candidates running for office and stood to lose a lot support and $$$ from those who support the incumbent – they got up and spoke anyway!
The speakers for Carona were executive committee members (Mark Bucher, Kermit Marsh and Jon Fleishman). Fleishman also is an employee of Carona and Schroeder, who is Carona’s puppetmaster, is the chair of the endorsements committee.
Gee, which side had more credibility?
Lastly, Whitacre told no lies. He said it was a fact that Mike Carona had not called Cheif Walters and asked for his endorsement. Then he said there was a suprise coming for the Carona camp. Whitacre, who has lived in Santa Ana for over twenty years, should know his chief of police pretty well. Especially since they regularly work together on city issues.
Between Whitacre’s track record and the track record of Carona’s people, I am inclined to not question his integrity on this issue.
The deck was stacked, the players were in place, Carona shamelessly rolled out the mother of a murdered five year old to plead for his endorsement, and Fleischman batted clean-up – and you guys still got beat by one Marine with the courage to take you all on. Get over it.
All the rest of the GOP clowns have a profit and or power motive to try to get the ex-Baliff re-elected. Tim does what he does out of the goodness of his heart. The rest of you are just haters.
Whitacre said it, I believe it, that settles it!
Is it me or does Adam Probolsky look like Arnold Zieffel.
Jubal also works for Carona.
You Hunt Supporters Do Not Ignore This!
I told you months ago that Hunt would not raise the necessary monies to mount a campaign and he hasn’t.
America’s Sheriff on the other hand did what a seasoned and experienced elected official does: Endorsements, slate cards, mail pieces, research and above all fund raising.
Congratulations to Mike Carona for setting a new record for raising over $1 million and not letting down those of us who support is campaign for Orange County Sheriff. With $618,000 cash on hand, this race is over.
Bill Hunt is a LIAR and obviously learned this new character trait from Little Timmy W.
It wasn’t bad enough that Whitacre viciously lied to the OC Republican Central Committee about Chief Paul Walters NOT endorsing Carona…
Bill Hunt purposely LIED to AOCDS members at the Sheriff’s Candidate Forum when he was asked about his finances…”I’ve raised $130,000.”
Bill knew that he only had $6K cash on hand but he wanted AOCDS members to believe he had $130K.
Like the rest of the desperate Hunt Team, Bill will use semantic spin to justify his LIE!
Hunt’s ego and political stupidity will not allow him to do the right thing for the hundreds of deputies that were falsely led to believe he could mount a campaign: QUIT the RACE!!!!
Bill you should be ashamed of yourself, your campaign and your LIES.
America’s Sheriff, who has $618K cash on hand told the truth at the Forum, “$6K Hunt” LIED!
Jim Lacy dumps Hunt – Endorses Carona
While I was not at the the now infamous Orange County GOP meeting, I got this .pdf file that is making the e-mail rounds. I guess this letter from Dana Point Councilman Jim Lacy, switching his endorsement from Hunt to Carona, was distributed there. Seemed like it would start a fun commenting chain. Perhaps someone can help me out – I heard a while back that Lacy was the emcee of Bill Hunt’s campaign kickoff event? Anyone able to confirm that? If so, then this switcharoo is pretty notable indeed…