Martin doesn’t have an O.C. rep – but he is a legitimate candidate
Claudio Gallegos, my co-blogger, and I were supposed to meet with Commander Ralph Martin of the Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department on Friday – but Claudio got hung up so I joined Martin and his amicable campaign manager, Dennis Werner, for a cup of coffee. I did not know much about Martin going into our meeting, but he turned out to be quite interesting.
Martin has almost as many years of experience as I have had on this earth. He manages a vast area that stretches from Lawndale, through the mean streets of Compton, and all the way to Catalina Island. I forget how many deputies work for him, but suffice to say that he manages a huge budget and thousands of employees. Clearly, he is a qualified candidate for the Sheriff’s office.
The problem Martin faces is that while he has lived in the O.C. for about ten years, in Coto de Caza, he works in L.A. His endorsements reflect that. He counts Republican L.A. Supervisor Mike Antonovich and Steven Cooley amongst his supporters. In fact his political consultant worked for Cooley, helping him get elected as District Attorney in Los Angeles County.
Martin has been a lifelong Republican, which makes sense given his occupation, but his family is predominantly Democrat. His mom came from Minnesota and his dad is from Boston, which are of course two areas that have been dominated by Democrats for years.
Martin acknoweledged that he will have to cultivate support from county Democrats in order to prevail in the primary. His campaign manager previously worked for Loretta Sanchez, and Maritn also has many personal friends who are Democrats. He does worry that area Republicans might not like that he is going after Democrat voters, but I pointed out the fact that Hunt has been doing that, and Carona once hosted a fundraiser for former California Governor Gray Davis.
Martin was very direct about his intention of running a clean campaign. He doesn’t want to get mixed up in the ongoing skirmish between incumbent Sheriff Mike Carona and Lt. Bill Hunt, the Police Chief of San Clemente. The acrimony between the Carona and Hunt camps runs deep, and no one seems to speak ill of Martin.
However, insiders know that Carona is fretting about Martin. The latter has had quite a bit of success raising money, which is a miracle given that so much of the O.C. GOP establishment has been bought off or otherwise snookered by Carona. Martin also has more direct experience than Carona.
Martin had nothing bad to say about Hunt. They met about two years ago, and Martin’s only sentiment about Hunt is that were he in Martin’s organization he would be about two or three layers down from Martin. That might be the case, but Hunt appears to be in position to seriously contend for the O.C. A.D.S. endorsement. I asked Martin if he felt he had a shot too.
Predictably, he did feel that he was in the running for the valuable endorsement of the O.C. deputy sheriffs. He intimated that he almost got the O.C.E.A. endorsement, but of coure Carona got it instead.
As our conversation drew to a close, Martin said something very provocative. He feels that many of Carona’s supporters are nervous, given the fact that Carona is facing so many charges and allegations. And according to Martin, there are even more to come. Martin is not going to bring any of that up in his campaign, preferring insted to run on his own credentials. “I can run this department,” said Martin about the O.C. Sheriff’s office. I think he can – but he has a long road ahead.
I should mention that I have not yet had the opportunity to meet with Lt. Hunt. I hope to do so soon. He, like Martin, appears eminently qualified, but both face long odds against Carona. Hunt however has a head-start, and he has ground troops and local endorsements in place. I hope that one of them can indeed prevail against Carona, and God willing they won’t just knock each other out.
You can find out more about Martin at
Thanks Art for the update. Jubal dog on O.C Blog would never give Martin the time of day. Oh, I forgot, Corona’s consultant, John Lewis hires Jubal dog for certain tricks from tome to time.
Interesting article Art. Kind of a puff piece, and not real informative beyond what we already know, but it did reinforce the fact that Martin is a classy guy with serious credentials. I’m interested to see how he performs at the AOCDS endorsement.
Any reasonable debate about ways to improve OCSD is a welcome debate in my book.
If Bill Hunt started his campaign and ran it like Martin, from the start he would have harnessed much more support from within.
Having served with him (Hunt) for many years in the jail, patrol, investigations and TST (SWAT) he has never been a fan of getting things quietly, (Never a fan of Stealth everything has to be a dynamic entry for him).
A clean campaign on the merits instead of of “Carona Evil-Hunt Good” just dosen’t cut it.
Ralph Martin on face sounds like a true professional and I hope my fellow AOCDs members will give him serious consideration when it comes to endorsement…he may be LA COP-however he is still a COP!
Unfortunately circumstances beyond my control kept me from attending the meeting. I look forward to meeting Ralph Martin soon. I am impressed by reading this post and what you have told me, Art. I do have plenty of questions for him.
If Martin cared one bit about O.C., why didn’t he transfer down here within the last 10 years he was living here? Why all of a sudden does he want to make a difference? It’s nothing more than politics plain and simple. Sorry, Ralph Martin. Your money is from LA, your endorsements are from LA. You have enough problems in the area you say you are in charge of. Fix them first, make it better there, or transfer down here, learn the system, pay your dues a couple of years, then run. Otherwise, you’re no better off than Carona – an opportunist looking for the spotlight. All of your years in law enforcement are great, and you probably are a nice guy, but you have never served a day in Orange County. I’ll take the guy with over 20 years of Orange County Sheriff’s Department experience anyday to look after me and my family. Someone who not only lives in Orange County, but has served in, and is committed to Orange County. Someone who has worked in every facet of the Orange County Sheriff’s Department. Someone who has earned the trust and confidence of the men and women he has served with the last two decades. AOCDS members will be respectful towards Martin when he comes before us, but we will never repspect him until he has served with us. It’s the same reason Carona has never earned our respect.
How does Commander Martin answer this question: Why has Los Angeles County Sheriff Lee Baca endorsed Orange County Sheriff Mike Carona for 2006 OC Sheriff-Coroner?
Anonymous @ 1153 PM you make a very valid point in your opening paragraph.
Where was Martin 8 years ago, four years ago?….opportunist?
Then you end it with ” Carona has never earned our respect.” Which I respectfully disagree. He has earned much respect, in fact Bill Hunt had so much respect for him that he sought his blessing and endorsement when he (Bill) thought Carona was not going to run for a third term.
The fact is when George Jaramillo was fired, and all the dirty Laundry aired (When was that March 17, 2005 or was it 2004 I forget) that’s when Carona was knocked back a notch.
Carona did the right thing he fired Jaramillo, and replaced him with someone from within, the Used Car Sales Guy is gone.
He is trying to right the ship.
From what I am told, Hunt can not wait and will not wait four years because he will be to close to 50 and he will not get full Sheriff pay for retirment. It sounds like greed-and power on Hunts part. If he was truely concerned about “Integrity” he would fix it from the ground up-lead by example. Start with his Deputies-Sgt etc.
On last thing, on the OC Blog I asked what’s “bean dipping.” Someone just told me.
Shame on you Bill!
It is because Commander Martin, AN ORANGE COUNTY RESIDENT, does care about Orange County that he chose to run in this race.
8 years ago, no one knew the depth of the problems with the leadership of the OCSD. There was no reason for anyone to step up. Most presumed that Mike Carona was exactly what he portrayed himself to be, a competant law enforcement leader.
Unfortunately, over time, that portrayal proved to be a facade. As a CONCERNED ORANGE COUNTY RESIDENT, Commander Martin watched with concern, (just as everyone else did), as his various problems began to unfold over the last several years.
About a year and a half ago, he recognized that to make the changes needed in OCSD, the leader had to come from outside the organization. One with a fresh set of eyes and ears AND one who owed no one within the department any favors or harbored no prejudices against any particular OCSD member. A clean slate so to speak. Commander Martin knew he had the skills, energy, and vision and was up to the leadership challenge.
A FACT: 17 of the 21 police chiefs in Orange County came from other agencies. Including several from Los Angeles County and from other states. I would venture a guess that even a few OCSD lieutenants and Captains went on to become chiefs in other agencies as well, (either mid-career or at the end of their first career).
A question: Are these 17 chiefs or any other law enforcement officer seeking to be the CEO of another agency “opportunists looking for the spotlight?” as Anonymous says Commander Martin is? If we follow that logic, then all of them must be.
The truth is, good law enforcement management dictates that effective and efficient change is more easily and smoothly accomplished when chiefs and sheriffs come from the outside. This is why the VAST MAJORITY of California cities consistently recruit their CEOs from the outside.
This strategy is also applicable to corporations…….private business CEOs generally come from the outside for exactly the same reasons!
As for Sheriff’s Baca’s endorsement, he first endorsed Mike Carona in 1998 and has endorsed him continuously since then. How ethical would it be for him to switch his endorsement simply because one of his personnel is running in another county? What would ALL OF THE OTHER SHERIFF’S in the surrounding counties think of Sheriff Baca if he suddenly switched his endorsement??? What kind of leadership would that be?? How often do politicians switch their endorsement? It happens but not often!!!
QUESTION: Anonymous, if LA endorsements don’t mean anything, then why is the endorsement of LA’s Sheriff so important.
918 Lincoln,
Obviously the anonymous poster who tried to paint Martin as an opprortunistic outsider is scared of him. Clearly Martin is beter financed, better prepared and more experienced than Bill Hunt.
Up until Commander Martin came along, Bill Hunt was able to portray himself as the sensible alternative. That is no longer the case and they know it. So what do they do? They launch a slightly subtle attack that has absolutely no merit.
You were right, you do not have to come from within an organization to be an effective leader of a law enforcement agency. Most cities recognize this and the same is true all over the country.
Additionally, another poster hit the nail on the head. Bill Hunt was willing to meet with Sheriff Carona and seek his endorsement. He only attacked Carona when he failed to get that endorsement. So if anybody is the opportunist, I’d have to say it’s Bill Hunt.
AOCDS should and will listen to all three candidates. I’m sure many members have already made up their minds, but Ralph Martin has an opportunity to change some minds. Whether or not he is capable of that remains to be seen, but that’s what the endorsement process is all about.
Yep, that’s just what we need right after 8 years of Carona – LA style leadership here in OC…not!
Why not Martin?
If Hunt succeeds in acquiring the aocds endorsement, but flounders as the election draws near, then I would suggest that we throw support to Martin. Hunt is the clear challenger to Carona, but if he does falter then we need to keep the focus on removing the failed Carona: that is the goal. Carona must go. Restore integrity to OCSD. Hunt and Martin need to talk to each other. Don’t let ego waste effort and hard earned money. Get it together and get rid of Carona. Hunt is my pick, but Martin is my best next choice. We would do well with either. I personnally prefer one of our own, but if it takes an outsider then I am impressed with Martin and will support him.
Don’t let the political hacks in our union sell us out.
Make a diference and say no to Carona
Yeah, what he said!!!
Maybe an outsider, Martin, would be the prudent choice since he’s not burdened with old friendships and political alliances.
After reading the Carona Chronicles (CC) it’s clear the divisivness is real and deep.
I believe Martin would be best for
OCSD and the community they serve. It’s time these two men sit down and come to an agreement that results in defeating Carona. Hunt
should step aside.
BTW .. the sheriff’s postings on CC are disgusting and deplorable. All OCSD sheriffs should be ashamed of themselves.
Martin has no chance in hell of winning in Orange County.
Guess what LA we like the Curtain and the last thing we need is to have it penetrated by LA law enforcement. No one knows who Martin is and no gives a sh*t.
Martin is a profession and Hunt could learn a thing or two from him but OC is not ready for LA to oversee our law enforcement.
I guess the 17 current Orange County Chief’s of Police, all of whom came from “outside agencies” (many from LA COUNTY), would be suprised to find out that they are considered different by Orange County law enforcement as Anonymous asserts.
I guess its OK for Commander Martin to live in Orange County, pay taxes in Orange County, Vote in Orange County, spend his money in Orange County, raise his 6 children in Orange County, go to Church in Orange County, but he is an outsider because he doesn’t work in Orange County.
I wonder how many Orange County residents actually work in LA County? I wonder how many OC residents, who work for LA Law enforcement agencies, hold elected Office in OC county.
The answers are 10’s of thousands of OC residents work in LA county. And there are several OC city councilpersons and mayors working for LA Law enforcement agencies.
I also wonder how many Orange County Deputy Sheriff’s live in Riverside, San Bernardino, or San Diego Counties, taking advantage of the benefits of the cheaper housing but choose to work in Orange County? I would estimate at least 50% of OCSD personnel live in surrounding counties, (EVEN LA COUNTY).
I guess if an OCSD deputy wanted to run for the Sheriff’s offices in San Bernardino or Riverside, they should be barred according to Anonymous because the SB Deputies would say they were not ready for OC to “penetrate” their county.
Anonymous your assertions are jusy plain silly….listen to yourself, how can you say this stuff with a straight face?
Will someone in the Hunt Camp please tell me how much cash on hand Candidate Hunt has of today, Saturday, March 11, 2006.
Is it still ONLY $12,536.60 or is this amount ridiculosuly too high.
Come on you ethichal and integrity filled Hunt supporters many of us are waiting to see if Candidate Hunt will even be able to buy “Hunt for Sheriff”…pencils!