Ackerman is worried about Moreno in the 34th
Lupe Moreno reports that Republican State Senate Leader Dick Ackerman called her tonight and tried to get her to pull out of the race for the 34th State Senate District. He referred to liberal Republican Lynn Daucher as the best candidate, but did qualify that by telling Moreno that he wished that he had known that she was running ten months ago as he would have interviewed her. Yeah right.
Let’s be honest about all this – Moreno is Ackerman’s worst nightmare. She won’t have any trouble getting free press, or money. She is getting a lot of support out there and will be setting up a campaign account by week’s end. Her website should be up by next week.
The 34th favors Latino candidates, and Moreno is already a known quantity to conservatives. The press is salivating over her. She appeared on the George Putnam radio show today, and was set to be interviewed by Telemundo tonight. I know we will hear her on the John and Ken Show on KFI before long. You can bet that Daucher will have to pay for her spots.
Ackerman thought he won when Van Tran pulled out of the race for the 34th. Actually now he is in even hotter water. Even if Moreno loses, she will damage Daucher going into the general. If Moreno gets within ten points of Daucher in the primary, Correa will eat her alive in the general. Again, I don’t see Tom Umberg making it out of the primary.
Moreno told Ackerman she would “think about it,” but rest assured, she is in this for the long haul. And she is not alone. Conservatives are waking up – she is our candidate and we must not let Ackerman get away with driving Tran out of the primary. I think she can beat Daucher, and wouldn’t that be the grandest comeuppance to Ackerman?
Excellent post Art. I think Senator Ackerman is going to rue the day he decided to play kingmaker in this primary. Now that Van has dropped out, every conservative should rally around Lupe and her message. Damn Daucher is pathetic.
would it be possible for Tran to endorse Lupe?
What would happen if coservatives wrote in Van Tran’s name on the primary ballot and he won the primary? Talk about sending a message to Dick.
Joe Brown
As someone who doesn’t live in Orange County and has put all of 1/2 hour or so of study into this.
I would say Moreno has a good shot at winning the primary.
As to the general? Conventional wisdom would say the Democrat wins. And that’s probably what will happen. Immigration reform is heating up as an issue but when you look at actual election campaigns around the country the fact is there just isn’t a big cadre of pro-borders candidates poised to score upset victories.
But I wouldn’t count Moreno out as far as winning the general election. John and Ken will be looking for a topic to keep the audiences rolling in going into the primaries and I think their listeners are going to be expecting a Political Human Sacrifice effort. One would think maybe they’d try to help Sonny Sardo beat David Dreier. But they don’t seem too impressed with Sardo and they don’t like to get involved in a campaign unless they think it has a shot.
It seems like Moreno definitely has a shot at the primary at the very least; perhaps even the general.
I don’t see Tran endorsing Lupe. He has cut a deal with Ackerman and will be running, I think, for Correa’s seat. Tran will be silent now and let things transpire in the 34th. Indeed, if he were to endorse, he would likely follow Ackerman’s lead.
The best way to send a message to Dick is to elect Lupe. That would bring great shame down upon him.
Moreno ran for school board twice, and was soundly defeated both times.
However, in each of those races Moreno was opposed by several candidates, and many of them were very well-funded. If anything, Moreno’s previous campaigns have served only to increase her name ID in the district. I would hazard a guess that she has at least two to three times the name ID of Lynn Daucher.
Ackerman and strong arm tactics go hand in hand. He is on retainer with a local law firm and he tries to strong arm city councils to give them business.Lupe should expect more midnight calls.
Art –
Moreno has never held been elected to a public office; she failed to get elected to a school board two times!
The name recognition she garnered from her past campaigns is: LOSER.
OK, she’s on the library board.
Lupe Moreno was sabatoged by the MEChA activists who control Santa Ana. They rigged the voting machines to help Noji pass her up. Lupe should be the Board President now and should be weeding out these people who hold our children back in school. Lupe will do that in the State Senate and I look forward to supporting her campaign. I remember when she told me she would put an immigration agent in every school, good for you Lupe! You got my vote!
Loretta Sanchez was completely blown out in a race for the Anaheim City Council. Two years and a name change and party change later she beat Bob Dornan.
Abe Lincoln lost 11 times before he finally won a campaign!
Sometimes losing taints you forever, other times it increases your name ID and eventually you win. Each race is different.
I suspect the real story here is that you don’t like Lupe. That is fine – but don’t make up political implications that aren’t there.
Ackerman is begging Lupe to drop out – he knows something and I suspect that his polling is showing that Moreno is the real deal.
Correa is either going to lose the primary or the general so there will be no vacancy. Van would have to run against Correa the incumbent supervisor in 2008. If thats the bone that Ackerman threw him Van is a sucker. He never should have bailed on this race.
Art is being a good cheerleader for Lupe but the reality is that if she gets over 25% of the vote Art and others will claim a moral victory because she won’t have money. In reality, you could put a dog on the ticket and get 20% so if she gets 25% with zero money(conservatives will be bled dry in the 35th & 67th)she earns a moral victory. If Lupe gets over 30% in June then I might change my mind and argue that Umberg or Correa might win in November.
Since Rosie and Lupe are two peas in a pod can we expect these two gals to campaign on placing INS officers in all public schools in Anaheim, Garden Grove and Santa Ana?
I could support those two gals if
that’s their platform.
Art –
Heed your own advice about making up political implications.
If there is polling information that supports your claim Moreno is the so-called real deal then post it on this blog.
As far as Loretta’s name, she was given the name Loretta Sanchez, at birth, by her parents. Names are part of a woman’s identity, just like men,and we don’t relinquish that identity because we chose to marry.
I didn’t hear you squack when Deever told Ronnie Reagan he could not package him as the fine English equisterian rider he was. It was too high brow for most Americans. Deever, with Reagan’s approval, repackaged Ronnie as a western cowboy. That was pure Hollywood — dashing good looking cowboy that weathers the harsh elements and prevails. That character personified the don’t fence me in attitude. Didn’t ‘ya ever wonder why he only wore English riding boots?
If a man can resort to a bit of Hollywood magic regarding his brand of horse riding to capture the wild west flavor, then Ms. Sanchez can restore her birth name. At least that’s genuine and not a product of the prop dept.
If you dislike Daucher, that’s OK,
but I didn’t think this was a personality contest. The Republican party should not be saddled with a candidate that has not demonstrated she can win an election.
Lupe has lost two school board elections in Santa Ana and she can’t win the Hispanic vote in her own hometown.
Add this to the voter reg fraud matter and I’m beginning to wonder who the hell is running the CRP?
I don’t have any polling data re Moreno – yet. Rest assured when I get some I will let you and everyone else know about it. I do think that Moreno should have higher name ID in this area given her past campaigns, her prominence in the media, etc.
Loretta RAN FOR OFFICE with the last name of Brixey, so spare me the sermon about her birth name. She dropped Brixey, changed parties and then ran for Congress. That is a lot of sudden change, no?
As for Daucher, her electability is of no import to me. I don’t like her on the issues, she is in fact more of a Dem than a Republican.
Now you are saying that Lupe cannot get Latino votes. Where is your evidence for that?
As for the new voter fraud, don’t blame that on Lupe. That was perpetrated by contractors hired by Daucher’s buddies in the New Majority.
You know the ironic thing is that catnip is an herb that absolutely mellows out most cats. I actually bought a live catnip plant and I have been rationing the fresh leaves to my cat. He is such an addict! Believe me, when he is blitzed out on catnip the last thing he wants to hear about is politics. At that point only a nice belly rub will do…
Aren’t you the erudite one?! I glad to know you didn’t purchase a dead catnip plant.
No, you cannot rub my belly.
Art and Catnip, take your hunting elsewhere.
Lupe, Rosie and Hunt on the same slate is tight! A 3-way frontal attack on the illegal immigration problem.
Midnight Prowler,
You believe hunt to be against “illegal” immigration?
Correction Art on Loretta’s City Council run. She was already a Democrat when she ran for City Council in 1994. She switched in 1992 after no Republicans wanted to support her run for Congress in the newly created 36th District, which now belongs to Jane Harman. She felt a pro-choice Republican was the way to go, and they nominated an anti-choicer. Jane Harman won, and now the South Bay is going increasingly Democrat.
You ask a loaded question, but I’ve come to believe that Hunt is against illegal immigration. Why? Check out his website. I did and I learned that Lupe Moreno and Rosie Avila are listed as supporters of Hunt.
I’m not a betting person, but when Avila and Moreno have their websites up, I’d wager Hunt will be listed as a supporter of these two candidates.
Sometimes it’s a matter of putting the puzzle pieces together.
For example: Rosie Avila, as a candidate for 47th CD, used her elected position as an SAUSD school board member to levy a false accusation that Mexico is meddling in all schools in the county. Rosie has set the groundwork to position herself as the illegal immigrant candidate. Her article was meant to kick-off her bid for the 47th CD. It’s unfortunate Ms. Avila is deserting a segment of the student population that might not be here legally. Furthermore, the school district’s failure to respond to her outrageous claims only demonstrates the Superintendent’s Republican allegiance to the party.
The Superintendent’s disloyalty to the SAUSD school board is mindboggling. Twice he’s deserted rank and turned on the board.
Diamond Diva,
In this day and age, with all the security concerns, etc. shouldn’t we all be upset about illegal immigration? My heart goes out to these people, but they are disrupting our lives on a daily basis. Their home countries need to be taking care of them, not us. I am all for legal immigration, but hasn’t our country already done enough and absorbed enough of the illegals? How much is enough?
Art said .
“in this day and age, with all the security concerns, etc. shouldn’t we all be upset about illegal immigration?” Ain’t that one helluva a sound bit.
It’s gratifying to know your heart goes out to “these people.” It is “these people” that have made many Americans very, very rich
allowing them a very comfortable lifestyle. Disruptive? “These people” have been exploited and you blame them for making your life disruptive? Your tirade about your life being disruptive should not be directed at “these people” it should be directed towards all Americans. We exploit “these people” for our monetary benefit.
How much is enough?
I don’t know the answer, but ending the exploitation of “these people” is a beginning. Then again, how can we start an honest
dialogue when you remove any sense of humaness from the illegal immigrant and classify them as “these people.” Does desensitizing the illegal immigrant make it easier for you to blame them for making your life disruptive?
Ms. Diva,
So much drama! Look, we are not responsible for the economic failure that is most of Latin America. The voters and politicians in those countries refuse to abandon socialist policies, even though their counterparts in Europe are seeing the light now and doing exactly that.
People come here because their own countries are too screwed up to produce jobs. How is that our fault? Granted, we should not be hiring illegals, but by the same token we should not be taking illicit drugs. Of course we do a lot of both, as a nation. That we need to work on.
We should not be picking up the tab for Mexico or any other country that is poorly run. That is not fair to us as taxpayers. I support legal immigration, but the cost of illegal immigration is simply too much – it is not fair for the world to expect us to spend millions of dollars accomodating illegals.
I support jailing US employers who hire illegals. That should help alleviate this problem – but it is hard to identify who is here legally and who is not. As such we need to improve our border security too.
Illegal aliens are exploited, but I would venture to say that we are not the exploiters. The culprits are their politicians, their fellow voters, and our politicians and crooked businessmen. Most Americans don’t fall into those categories.
Art –
I’m LMAO. You support jailing US
employers who hire illegal immigrants??!! That doesn’t work.
The Nebraska meat packing incident is the prime example of why it doesn’t.
In my opinion, you are a hypocrite.
Save your drama for your mama.
Ms. Diva,
I don’t know anything about the meat plant you referenced. To me it makes sense to jail those who hire illegals, unless the are fooled by the illegals who use fake IDs.
How am I a hypocrite? I have not hired any illegals. Are you using a word you don’t understand?
May the Force be with Lupe and Art.
Art’s the man! You’re right when you speak the truth about sending the illegal immigrants back to Mexico! Get your lasso out and start roundin’ ’em up. Lupe’s plan to put an INS agent in every school is tight!
Dude, you should set up a 24-hour hotline and the Minuteman and Minutewoman will help you corral these illegal immigrants. Yahoo!
I’m bumming cuz I checked out Lupe’s website and it’s still under construction. Hey,keep bloggin’ Lupe on the OJ.
Filing deadline is Friday, let’s hope there’s no surprise backroom deals.
LIAR rocks. Vote 4 Lupe.
Good News –
Lupe Moreno is planning an anti-immigration rally this Saturday in front of the Mexican consulate.
Lupe says she wants to embarass the Mexican government for circumventing our laws.
God Bless Lupe for taking this to the streets. It’s time to take back our country.
Support Lupe. Join her as she kicks off her campaign by demonstrating against the illegal immigrants.
Look for Jim Gilchrist and Rosie Avila to lock arms with Lupe as they demonstrate.