Update on Lupe Moreno’s State Senate Campaign

Lupe Moreno’s campaign for the 34th State Senate campaign is on – she has collected and turned in her signatures and will be launching her website soon. I had an opportunity to interview her tonight, and she had a lot to say about her campaign and the California Republican Party Convention that just drew to a close up in San Jose.

The highlight of the weekend for Moreno was a conversation with State Senator Tom McClintock. She went to see him so that he could sign a commemorative t-shirt, and when he asked her what she has been up to she told him about her campaign. Apparently he winced and turned red and apologized to her because he had just endorsed Van Tran. “Lupe,” he said, “had I know I would have endorsed you.” He then promised to help her in whatever way he could. Moreno told me that she has known Tom for years, and has testified in Sacramento at hearings he was involved in, regarding illegal immigration.

On that note, Moreno was amazed at how prevalent the illegal immigration issue was at the convention. It seems that virtually every GOP candidate is now talking about illegals. She laughed about that and credited Jim Gilchrist with this sea change in the California Republican Party.

Moreno also said that she and many of Gilchrist’s followers will be travelling to President Bush’s ranch in Crawford, Texas, on March 6, to protest his immigration policies. That just might get her on the air, particularly at KFI-AM 640. There is a website with details about the protest, at www.areckoning.com.

Moreno also mentioned that Orange County Republican Party Chairman Scott Baugh called her last week. He asked her about her positions on taxe, abortion and the environment. Afterwards he commented that she is “very conservative.” He also told her that if she wins the primary, he will see to it that she gets help in the general.

Moreno has been advised by a popular GOP women’s group, and an O.C. GOP consultant to abandon her current campaign and run isntead for the 47th Congressional District. However, Moreno has been friends with Rosie Avila, who is already running for the 47th, for years, and she won’t run against her.

Finally, Moreno advised that those who want to know more about her can go to http://www.latinoamericans.org/. Her campaign site will be up soon, with more specific information about her and her stand on the issues.

About Admin

"Admin" is just editors Vern Nelson, Greg Diamond, or Ryan Cantor sharing something that they mostly didn't write themselves, but think you should see. Before December 2010, "Admin" may have been former blog owner Art Pedroza.