Silva is a conservative? No way!

Martin Wisckol mentioned in his Buzz column this week that some folks are considering Jim Silva to be the conservative candidate for the assembly seat that is being vacated by Tom Harman. Really? Didn’t Silva vote for the Orange County PLA (Project Labor Agreement) – the ill-fated measure that banned non-union contractors from bidding on O.C. construction projects? For that vote alone Silva deserves to be abandoned by the GOP voters in his district.

Apparently a Cypress Councilman, Mike McGill, is also running as a GOP candidate. You can find out more about him online at I don’t know him, but he has been endorsed by Jim Lacy, Bill Dalton, Alan Mansoor, Bill MacAloney, and Mike Ward, amongst others. Plus McGill is not Jim Silva. That is good enough for me. Please, if you live in this Assembly District, do not reward Silva with your vote. Vote for McGill and know that you are voting against a guy who once found PLA’s to be sound public policy.

You can read Wisckol’s column at

About Art Pedroza