Carona wants to spend taxpayer dollars to defend his buddies

Orange County Sheriff Mike Carona, who earned my undying wrath when he endorsed Nativo Lopez not once but twice for the Santa Ana School Board, wants the county to spend $100,000 on lawyers fees so that he can have 56 buddies reinstated as reserve deputies. Carona got in trouble earlier because his friends were not trained or properly screened.

Carona has been in the news a lot of late. In November, one of his reserve deputies had his badge taken away. The reserve, Fred Glusman, owns an expensive restaurant in Newport Beach. Hmmm. What was he doing as a reserve officer in the first place? In September, Carona was accused of sexual harassment by George Jaramillo’s sister-in-law. I wonder if Carona and his other managers have gone through the state mandated sexual harassment training that is due by the end of the year? If not, he better get on it soon.

I have endorsed Carona’s opponent, Lt. Bill Hunt. It is high time to elect a Sheriff who will bring ethics to his office. You can find out more about Hunt online at .

About Art Pedroza