2020 OC Filings #13 (as of 8/8) for WATER Boards




These are the MWDOC district areas. The names of the overlapping smaller municipal districts — not including OCWD — are sort of small, but they are there, and also available at links below in the MWDOC races section.

As noted in our introduction to this year’s general election coverage, the filing period for all races is underway; it ends this Friday, August 7 (or 8/6, for cities closed on 8/7, and with some extensions to 8/12) for all races that have made it this far.  This will be updated as need be and time allows.

El Toro Water District

Incumbents Jose VergaraMark Monin, and Katherine Kay have all qualified for the ballot.  No one else has expressed interest.

Irvine Ranch Water District

Division 1

Incumbent John Withers has qualified and wins without opposition.

Division 4

Incumbent Mary Matheis has qualified and will face Karen McLaughlin and Aarti Kaushal.

Moulton Niguel Water District

Four positions open.  One incumbent did not file, so this gets and AEIOU extension.    Incumbents Richard FioreDuane Cave, and Brian Probolsky, have all qualified, as has a fourth candidate, Sherry Wanninger.

Santa Margarita Water District

Three positions open. Incumbents Charles GibsonBetty H Olson, and Frank Ury will face challenger Warren Martin.

East Orange County Water District

Two positions open; four candidates have qualified.  Incumbents Douglass Davert and John Sears  will face Julio Morales and Noble Alejandro Drakoln — and yes, I did get Drakoln’s name right.

Mesa Water District

Division 1

Incumbent Fred Bockmiller wins without opposition.

Division 2

Loathsome incumbent Jim Fisler will face non-profit program director  Adam Ereth, who has taught (to good reviews) at Irvine Valley College, apparently got his Ph.D in 2016, and “spent his formative years as a Master’s student and … PhD candidate researching the emerging field of sea level rise adaptation and relocation planning in the Solomon Islands.”  Ereth also developed a stormwater protection plan.  THIS IS EXCITING!!

Division 3

Incumbent Marice DePasquale wins without opposition.

Orange County Water District

In this biggest of kahunas in the OC Water Biz, four of the Divisions are up (along with, of course, some City Council races that will determine those very important City appointees.)

Division 2

Atrocious incumbent Denis Bilodeau wins without opposition.  We did our best, but couldn’t find an opponent; now we’ll just have to get him outvoted on the board.

Division 3

Incumbent Roger Yoh wins without opposition.  This is good.

Division 4

Appointed incumbent and Poseidonista Tri Ta  has qualified and will run against four opponents:   Tai Do, Kris Beard, Jasmin Carmadella, and Samantha Bao Anh Nguyen.

Division 6

Execrable Poseidon-thrall incumbent Cathy Green is up and has qualified.  One person pinged only and will be ignored.  One other challenger, “Computer Systems Engineer” Michael Elliott, has also qualified.  And … pause inserted here while I Google-searched him … he seems wonderful!  His website is here; his issues page (including Poseidon) is here.  He’s not committed either way on Poseidon, but seems knowledgeable and thoughtful — and that alone will be far better than Green!

Serrano Water District

Division 2

Incumbent C.L. “Larry” Pharris filed and wins without opposition.

Division 3

Incumbent Greg Mills filed and wins without opposition.

Division 5

Incumbent Jerry L Haight filed and wins without opposition.

South Coast Water District

Three seats open.  Incumbents are Douglas ErdmanRick Erkeneff, and Wayne Rayfield will face environmental engineer Scott Goldman and Markus Lenger — whose proposed ballot designation is “Water Innovator” (!).  That’s a pretty full plate of candidates.

Trabuco Canyon Water District

Incumbents Stephen Dopudja and Don Chadd win without opposition.

Yorba Linda Water District

Two open spots.  Incumbents John Wayne Miller qualified; the other incumbent did not file.  AEIOU extension until Wednesday.

Municipal Water District of OC (MWDOC)

Division 1 (Short-term)

This is the seat that I ran for in 2014 and 2018, losing twice to Brett Barbre, who retired from the Board on July 17 to become General Manager of the Yorba Linda Water District.  The resignation created a vacancy, which apparently means no AEIOU extension (although unless I’m mistaken in at least one other race this seems not to be the case.)  Three people have qualified to run: Al Nederhood (A YLWD director), Fred R. Smith, Mayor of Buena Park. and Scott Hupp, husband of Brea City Council Kleptocrat Cecilia Hupp, with whom he owns S&S Home Loans.  All poor options, at first glance, but I think I know which is least bad.  “Division 1 encompasses the areas of Brea, Buena Park, portions of Golden State Water Company, La Habra, La Palma, Yorba Linda Water District.”  Here’s our 2014 map, which I presume is still accurate.

Division 3

Incumbent and “Water Resources Engineer” Bob McVicker is running and will run against three opponents — and, again, read this all the way through to the end.  One is “Businesswoman/Mother”  Linda Moulton-Patterson, who is the wife of former Rep. Jerry Patterson and who served on the Coastal Commission and was active in Friends of Bolsa Chica.  (Her bio begins: “In 1989, Linda Moulton-Patterson established Moulton Patterson Associates (MPA), a government & public relations firm in Fountain Valley, California.”)  Next, Registered Nurse Kathy-Nguyet Pham.  Lastly: Tyler Diep again!  He’s baaaa-aaaack!  Thank you, Nurse Pham, for splitting the Vietnamese vote!

Division 4

Incumbent Joan Finnegan did not file, so this race is extended.  Three candidates have already filed: “Water District Engineer” Karl Seckel, Architect Christopher Ganiere, and “Water Policy Manager” Stacy Lynne Taylor.  But it looks like another person has filed in overtime: OMG, it’s Allen Mansoor!  No to the nth power!  Matt Harper took out papers but went no further.

Division 6

Incumbent Jeffery Thomas wins without opposition.

Division 7

Incumbent Megan Yoo Schneider will face Laguna Beach Water Commissioner Debbie Neev.

About Greg Diamond

Somewhat verbose attorney, semi-disabled and semi-retired, residing in northwest Brea. Occasionally ran for office against jerks who otherwise would have gonr unopposed. Got 45% of the vote against Bob Huff for State Senate in 2012; Josh Newman then won the seat in 2016. In 2014 became the first attorney to challenge OCDA Tony Rackauckas since 2002; Todd Spitzer then won that seat in 2018. Every time he's run against some rotten incumbent, the *next* person to challenge them wins! He's OK with that. Corrupt party hacks hate him. He's OK with that too. He does advise some local campaigns informally and (so far) without compensation. (If that last bit changes, he will declare the interest.) His daughter is a professional campaign treasurer. He doesn't usually know whom she and her firm represent. Whether they do so never influences his endorsements or coverage. (He does have his own strong opinions.) But when he does check campaign finance forms, he is often happily surprised to learn that good candidates he respects often DO hire her firm. (Maybe bad ones are scared off by his relationship with her, but they needn't be.)