January 2020 Letter to Anaheim Democrats, and democrats.




HAPPY 2020, Anaheim Democrats! Let’s make these Twenties ROAR!

Our first meeting of the decade will be this Saturday, January 4, same bat-time (12:15 to 1:45), same bat-station (Haskett Branch Library by Maxwell Park.) And it will be short and punchy just as many of you-all requested!

Our one guest speaker will be AUHSD trustee Annemarie Randle-Trejo, who is running for Council 4th district to take the place of the awful, termed-out Lucille Kring. IT IS ESSENTIAL for our city that this seat is taken by somebody we can trust, someone who will work for the PEOPLE, and won’t be part of the kleptocratic Sidhu Majority. Each of us who live in that south-Anaheim district will have to decide which trustworthy candidate is most likely to beat whatever candidate the Disney-Chamber Axis puts up. This Saturday we’ll let Annemarie make her case.

And as always the exciting last half of the meeting will be Councilman Jose Moreno’s monthly update on the ongoing Fleecing of Anaheim, and what we can do to stop it or slow it down. He’s sure to have some news we don’t know about yet, and to answer all our questions. I know I’ll want to know:

  • Is there anything we can do to stop this terrible Angels giveaway?
  • How exactly does Dr. Howard Knoll’s very popular proposal for an Anaheim Performing Arts Center clash with the Angels giveaway, does it represent a schism in Anaheim’s ruling class that we can utilize, and is there anything we can (or should) do to help make the Performing Arts Center happen?
  • Is there enough popular anger at the bad Angels deal, and the fact they won’t put Anaheim in the team name, to propel a 2020 recall of Mayor Sidhu? (The seniors of Rancho La Paz are not waiting for an answer to that, and are starting January 2.)

But, apart from collecting recall signatures, there’s not a lot we can do right now to change the Anaheim Council – the March 3 primary has other important races we should be concerned about first. And on that note…

Q: How do you eat an elephant?
A: One bite at a time.

This old and wise witticism applies perfectly to our efforts to improve our county’s Board of Supervisors AND Board of Education. We need a much more honest and humane BOS as well as a BOE that’s not allergic to sex education and not unquestioningly in love with any and all Charter Schools – and both of those come down to us north county Democrats.

Early voting for the March primary starts in a month – February 3! Helping Ashleigh Aitken beat Don Wagner will be the first step in getting a better BOS, and helping Andy Thorburn beat Ken Williams will be the first step in getting a better BOE – and both of those districts include Anaheim Hills, Orange and Yorba Linda – not far for any of us!

Ashleigh is speaking at our NEXT meeting Feb. 1, and she would like us all to walk and/or phone-bank for her – either right after the meeting or soon after.  I think we should walk for Ashleigh, Andy, AND get signatures for “Schools and Communities First.”  What do you all think?

And yes, don’t forget to be getting your signatures to get Schools and Communities First on the ballot – we’ve been trying to reform Prop 13 for decades and 2020 is the year we can make it happen. The Golden State doesn’t need to have pathetic chronically underfunded schools ANY LONGER.

See you all Saturday and HAPPY 2020!

About Vern Nelson

Greatest pianist/composer in Orange County, and official political troubadour of Anaheim and most other OC towns. Regularly makes solo performances, sometimes with his savage-jazz band The Vern Nelson Problem. Reach at vernpnelson@gmail.com, or 714-235-VERN.