Cantor: Tim Shaw for District 4 Supervisor




Orange County Supervisors have a lot on their plate.  Homelessness, seemingly constant scandal at both the Sheriff and District Attorney’s Office, major collective bargaining reform for the county’s two largest public safety agencies, critical infrastructure decision points with OCTA and other agencies impacted within the county, all hanging on top of unincorporated land use issues.  It’s a serious job with a serious budget.  Getting a decision wrong at the County level means tens of millions of taxpayer dollars being wasted.

Tim Shaw is the best choice for 4th District Residents.  He has a history of getting local government choices right, he’s honest, and he’s actually raising his family where he says he is.  Moreover, Mr. Shaw built a coalition of support across party lines to get good done for residents across the county in the multiple special districts he serves, including a half dozen transit agencies and the Association of California Cities– Orange County.  He’s well respected, not just because he’s congenial, but because he does exactly what he says he’ll do.

Mr. Shaw’s reputation and ability to build consensus is exactly what the 4th District needs.  For those of you paying attention to the County’s budget and history, North Orange County receives a sharply lower proportion of county attention, dollars, and effort.  If we’re ever going to see a return of parody to the county’s budget, Mr. Shaw is the right type of politician to restore fairness and equity to our district.  Electing a self-serving politician will likely see the County send buses full of cash to maintain parks in the south, with those same buses filled with individuals experiencing homelessness on the return trip North.  We deserve the same focus on quality of life as those living in Laguna Nigel, and we need a Supervisor who puts his neighbors ahead of his or her political career.  We have at least two candidates running who absolutely will not.

This June’s Primary Election has quite a bit going on, particularly in North Orange County.  In the last two months, my household has received 62 mailers for CA-39 alone.  Aside from being ridiculous, it’s distracting from a serious race that actually matters to my family and my neighbors.  In a race where we have one candidate who willfully is not telling the whole truth about where he lives and another who uses “It wasn’t in my campaign literature” as an excuse for repeatedly lying to voters, we need a candidate who is trustworthy, does the right thing at the right time, and who respects the integrity of public office.  That’s clearly Tim Shaw.

Here are my rankings for June’s Primary Election for County Supervisors:

1. Tim Shaw.  Does what he says, builds coalitions, acts responsibility towards his community.

2. Rose Espinoza.  Established in D4.  Not as responsible as Shaw with votes.

3. Doug Chaffee.  Established in D4.  Entirely self funded, can he build a coalition?

4. Cynthia Aguirre.  Lacks a voting track record, likely unfit for collective bargaining.


5.  Kerr— Either doesn’t live in the district or left his family to run for office.  Unacceptable

6.  Kring— Wild flip-flopper with a strong record of doing the wrong thing.  Unacceptable.

About Ryan Cantor

Our conservative columnist, raised in North Orange County, works as an auditor.