Chamber’s “Taste of Anaheim” desecrated by “Waste of Anaheim” satirist hooligans.




MEMO – For the Great Man’s Eyes Only:

Anaheim Insider here.

By now I know you’ve heard, sir, and you must be understandably livid.  Let me first say, IT WASN’T MY FAULT!  I blame it on Ament, who was busy ejecting guests and ordered me to waste my time and talents counting tickets.  THIS WOULD NOT HAVE HAPPENED ON MY WATCH – I would have spotted these hooligans and had them thrown out immediately. 

And I have to say, GardenWalk security was perfectly useless – they couldn’t keep these lowlifes from passing out (as far as we can tell) 300 to 500 of these nasty flyers, but they DID manage to get a photo of three of the malefactors, with the “W” of “WASTE” just peeking out of their jackets, and they look like they’re just enjoying themselves, wouldn’t you say?

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Rest assured, we are trying to determine who these culprits are, and who could have created such a professionally done (albeit slanderous!) flyer, and how big of a new threat this might represent. It’s difficult though, sir – you must be aware that more and more citizens of Anaheim and the County are beginning to express doubt (wrongly of course!) in your grand visions.  In short, this could be the work of almost anyone in town!

Okay, I know you want to see those flyers now.  I can only thank my lucky stars I won’t be in the room when you see them.  (Click the first image to see larger, clearer PDF.)  I know, it is all lies and exaggerations, once again we WILL catch the guilty parties, and again I blame Ament.   I remain… yours abjectly, Anaheim Insider.

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About Anaheim Insider

Identity suspected but unsure, Anaheim Insider is SOME slavish devotee of Curt Pringle and the Disney/Chamber kleptocracy in the OC's biggest city, and can always be counted on to spout their official line. [OK, he's a satirical character based on the anonymous "Anaheim Insider" who posts on Matt Cunningham's "", and is known for his tagline "Anaheim Insider here" and referring to Mr. Pringle as "The Great Man."] Oh, and of late, the editors have been using "Anaheim Insider" for non-satirical Anaheim-related pieces which are either collaborative or simple announcements.