See the Cartoons that get folks killed!




Vern here, Greg is up to his neck in CATER work!  I suppose we should have a place to discuss all this freedom of speech, Islamic extremism, and interrelated issues brought up by the recent Charlie Hebdo attacks. Cartoonists can speak for themselves; first here’s the great Tom Tomorrow lampooning EVERYBODY…

And the legendary American underground cartoonist R. Crumb, who’s lived in France for the past couple decades:

Aren’t you kinda curious what Charlie Hebdo printed that got 12 of them killed?  (If you haven’t seen the cartoons already?)  I know I was, so I’m printing them here.  Don’t worry, the Orange Juice Blog offices have the best security available in the Land of the Free. 

This first one, which led most immediately to the attacks, features Mohammed being beheaded by an ISIS fighter.  Mohammed is saying, “Stop you asshole, don’t you know I’m the prophet?” and the ISIS guy responding “Shut your trap, you infidel!”

WAIT A SECOND.  I thought these cartoons were disrespectful of Mohammed.  That’s not what I see here!  This cartoon is disrespectful of ISIS, and saying they would kill their own supposed prophet if he returned.  Hmmmm…  Whom are these terrorists really “defending?”

This earlier one, from 2011, which probably led to the paper’s offices being firebombed that year, feature Muhammed as the “guest editor” of that issue, and threatening “100 lashes if you don’t die laughing!”

Well, *I* think that’s kinda funny.  One more Muhammed one, this one with him complaining about all the asshole extremists who supposedly act in his name, and bitching “It sure is a drag being loved by these idiots!”  Again, who’s being lampooned here?  Not the fuckin’ prophet…

To show how unfair and stupid it was for these jerkoffs to choose this magazine for their target, here are just a few more (by their star cartoonist CABU) all of which decry France’s militarization and profiling of North Africans and Muslims.  (hat-tip to Greg’s old digs the Daily Kos.)  This first one says, simply, “No more racial profiling!”

This next Cabu cartoon ironically quotes racist French demagogue Jean-Marie LePen, whose rallying cry was “We should be able to go out at night without being afraid.”  Now, with the young African being chased by racist skinheads, the quote becomes more timely:

And a criticism of what Cabu considers Europe’s bloated military budgets:  “These clowns suck the blood of Europe!”  and “Let’s put military budgets on a diet!”

Finally, around Christmas-time, forlorn North African youths look through a shop window at a “toy costume for a CRS, the riot control force of the French National police, which has long been accused of brutality and racism.”  (Prognet)

Thoughts on the whole clusterfuck?

UPDATE – Charlie Hebdo’s newest cover, to be printed in a million extra copies!

Mohammed:  “I am Charlie.”

About Vern Nelson

Greatest pianist/composer in Orange County, and official political troubadour of Anaheim and most other OC towns. Regularly makes solo performances, sometimes with his savage-jazz band The Vern Nelson Problem. Reach at, or 714-235-VERN.