A few thoughts on some election results


It looks like Fullerton’s Chris Norby has lost his Assembly seat and along with it his State paycheck, trailing Democrat Sharon Quirk-Silva.  This means Norby is out and his top aide, and Fullerton Councilman, Bruce Whitaker will be unemployed. Watch for Supervisor Shawn Nelson and perhaps other members of the County Board of Supervisors to again manipulate the county hiring process to find these gentlemen a nice paying public sector job – with retirement benefits of course. Or, there is the Southern California Edison Company, also skilled in slotting ex-politicos into six figure jobs.

So Norby’s Assembly seat moves from Republican to Democrat, giving the Dems a 2/3 majority in the State Assembly. Who would have thought Orange County would be the source of a Democratic coup like that?

Much of the blog and editorial page rantings throughout Orange County are about tax increases, public sector pay and unions as well as big government. Perhaps that explains why Orange County voters again swam upstream when compared to the state-wide vote, rejecting Governor Brown’s tax-increasing Proposition 30 and voting for the Lincoln Club’s union-dues-limiting Proposition 32. Tens of millions of dollars flowing into California from PAC’s backed by the famous Koch Brothers and Karl Rove apparently helped Orange County’s voters see it their way, but those millions proved ineffective on a state-wide basis.

Proposition 30 was approved by the voters of California, while Proposition 32 was soundly rejected. Already some Orange County Republican leaders are saying they will try again – for the fourth time – with a union-busting initiative of some kind. As long as there is a percentage to be gleaned from millions in PAC money, at least.

In Costa Mesa the proposed city charter was rejected. But, two of the council members that proposed and backed it were re-elected. It may take a while to see what that all means, but one thing is likely – things will not settle down in Costa Mesa for a while.

Nationally and in California, the Republican Party took a beating. With Democrats in charge of most everything in Sacramento and Washington D.C., the relevance and very survival of the Republican Party may be at stake. They need to find some candidates and positions on issues that resonate with the majority of voters, but for now they have been unable to do so, even while spending tens of millions of dollars on various candidates and issues to try and convince voters to see it their way.

Democrats, while savoring victory on many fronts in this election, must realize that by winning they now are charged to act on some very difficult issues, most all of them having to do with government budgets and finance that are in the red. In a be careful what you ask for assessment, they have asked for the victories they won last Tuesday and will now be accountable for what happens next.

A local exception to the tide of Democrat victory is the election results in the City of Irvine. Here the Council majority has changed from Democrat to Republican, including a Republican Mayor. Can a full audit of the Great Park expenditures, and the airing of spending of tens of millions of taxpayer dollars, be far behind?

The future probably also brings a continuation of bloggers, Register editorial writers and John Coupal and Steven Greenhut wanna-be’s who will continue to make a living by writing pieces railing about taxes, liberals, unions and big government in hopes that someday a significant number of voters might really take their messages to heart. As long as whine sells, we can expect this messaging to continue.

Over … but not Out!

About Over But Not Out

A retired Orange County employee, and moderate Republican. The editor seriously does not know OBNO's identity as did not the former editor, but his point of view is obviously interesting and valued.