Some Initiative Petitions to NOT sign in the parking lot. (1st in a series)




First, apologies to all those folks who are just trying to make a living out there collecting signatures for initiatives to go on November’s ballot.  I know it’s rough out there for all of us and I hope you can still manage to make ends meet somehow, but I’ve gotta think of the good of California.   Here’s something to feel better about – only a few hundred people read my stories, and half of them will do the opposite of what I tell them anyway, so this shouldn’t hurt you too much really.

Second, there are a few good initiatives that should be floating around soon for signatures and I hope they get enough to qualify – there will hopefully be one for an oil extraction tax, and maybe even a public option in health insurance for Californians.  But the ones I’ve been approached for so far are ones that we’ll be better off strangling NOW in their cradle, before they qualify and the multi-million dollar campaigns to confuse the voters have a chance to commence.

And the main reason I’m providing this service here is to let all you OJ readers know the generally vast distance between what the guy with the clipboard will tell you to get your signature and what the initiative will actually do. Here goes:

  • What they’ll tell you:  “This one will save you money on car insurance.” Or, “This one will make it easier for automobile insurance companies to lower your rates.”  Or, if you inquire further, “This allows auto insurance companies to charge you less if you keep your insurance for a certain period of time and don’t let it lapse.”
  • What the initiative would do:  Jesus, this zombie returns so quickly?  We just shot down Mercury Insurance last time they tried this, in June of last year, with Proposition 17!  Remember, back when I wrote the popular and successful “Friends Don’t Let Friends Vote For Proposition 17.”  Even at that time, folks were already comparing Mercury to Captain Ahab for their tireless pursuit of this “reform,” hence the illustration I chose.  And they’re already at it again!?  For all the arguments making the case that this initiative would actually RAISE most of our rates, go to my story from last year.  But also, ask yourself logically – why would a company plow so many millions of dollars into a measure year after year just to save LITTLE OLD YOU money?  Enjoy the video below (from last year) – and save us all a lot of trouble and confusion (and save Mercury lots of propaganda money as well) by NOT signing this one!


  • What they’ll tell you:  “This one will stop POLITICIANS from drawing their own district lines!”
  • What the initiative would do:  Damn, talk about pretty close to the opposite of the truth! This is a Republican initiative.  So, MAYBE, if you’re a Republican, you want to sign it, but even if it does qualify and win, it’s not a sure thing your Party will come out any better.  The Republicans grew to hate the old lines, ACTUALLY DRAWN BY POLITICIANS in 2001, which were made to protect incumbents of both Parties with “safe seats.”  Republicans came to convince themselves that those districts gave them short shrift, and so most of them, like I myself for other reasons, supported 2008’s Proposition 11, which led to this year’s redistricting by a balanced commission using criteria other than Party and incumbent – geography, lines of cities, ethnic and other “communities of interest.”  Well, things turned out EVEN WORSE for the Republicans, and now they want another shot – using the initiative process to send redistricting to the courts so that Republican-appointed judges can re-do them again.  But that probably won’t help either.  The problem that they can’t accept or solve is that less and less Californians want to vote Republican.  Give it a shot, but most of us shouldn’t sign this pathetic thing.

As I get approached by more clipboard-toting strivers, I’ll keep adding to this list.  I can tell you, these guys get $1 a signature, which ain’t a whole lot.  But a month or two ago, when the legislature had passed a bill to make Amazon pay sales taxes like actual “brick and mortar stores” do, Amazon took to the clipboards, hoping to qualify and triumph in a referendum to overturn that law – and THEY WERE PAYING OUR FRIENDS 3$ A SIGNATURE!  Sadly, that gravy train’s over, as the leg and Amazon have reached some sort of compromise.

Stay tuned, and remember – what the signature-takers tell you is generally not really what the initiative will do;  these are also not knowledgable people so they probably don’t even understand what the initiative would do if you asked them; and in any case there are ALWAYS too many of these things on the ballot!


What they’ll tell you:

What the initiative would do:

What they’ll tell you:

What the initiative would do:

About Vern Nelson

Greatest pianist/composer in Orange County, and official political troubadour of Anaheim and most other OC towns. Regularly makes solo performances, sometimes with his savage-jazz band The Vern Nelson Problem. Reach at, or 714-235-VERN.