We apologize….we apologize….we are the NCAA!




Dr. Mark Emmert is the President of the NCAA…..the National Collegiate Athletic Association.


Institutions in our nation are supposed to be the guardians of integrity, ethical behavior and address setting the bar for good conduct, which is supposed to translate into better behavior for younger players, school children and parents.  When Institutions fail, such as was the case a few years back the U.S. arm of the International Red Cross, or issues regarding national or international sports with the US Olympic Committee or those in charge of the Olympic Games themselves……well, support begins to wither and changes are made to address the impact to the organization’s intergrity.

The NCAA is unique.  First of all, it is not Major League Baseball, the National Football League, the National Basketball Association or the National Hockey League – with Player Associations that keep the owners feet to the fire and in fact can go out on strike to voice their issues.  The major issues of “juicing” or “steriods” or “Designer Performance Enhancement Drugs” or of  “Criminal Activity”…are dealt with quickly.  Michael Vick and Plexico Burress are issues that quickly come to mind.  Those are the high value players that get all the media play.  Many, many more are involved in drug transactions, illegal gambling and even murderous acts….which are addressed but don’t get the significant play on Sports Pages or in News Reports…..as much as they should.

Back to the “One Off” NCAA.  Their “Godlike Powers” include watching over the conduct of thousands of College Athletes, Universities and Colleges, Booster Clubs, Organized Crime and so-call Legal Gambling facilities, Alumni Organizations, The Bowl Championship Series and thousands of other events which determine the Billions of dollars attached to Television and Licensing Agreements for future investments by companies such as Nike, Adidas, Target, Nabisco and thousands of others in lesser ways.  The Billion of dollars can attract lots of bad people as well as the good ones.

Dr. Emmert has been feeling the fire lately at the NCAA.  An article and short interview in the LA Times, Sports Section today by Lance Pugmire lends all to believe that the “stonewalling” is not about to subside.  Dr. Emmert seems to think “that some reform” might be in order.  Dah!  Dr. Emmert seems to think that certain athletes could receive grant money, in case they are financially in need.  Dah!  Dr. Emmert seems to think that athletes should meet scholastic standards to participate in Bowl Championships!  Dah!  Dr. Emmert doesn’t seem to know if the dirt under the fingernails of College Athletics is endemic or just a few “bad apples”.  Dah!  Dr. Emmert fails to suggest what might happen to the current list of bad fruitcakes and can’t say whether or not the penalties against USC were excessive or will be met or exceeded by body of work of the new bad folks!

Perhaps Dr. Emmert’s limited knowledge puts the work to done above his paygrade.  Perhaps the NCAA needs to be reorganized into three powerful paid branches rather than one unresponsible “concept and volunteer organization”!  Is the NCAA a Non-Profit organization?  Who is the Director of the Enforcement Branch of the NCAA?  Who is the Director of the Economic and Financial Support Branch of the NCAA?  Where is the oversight of the Government of the United States?  Where is Office of the Attorney General of the United States and what oversight do they have over colleges and universities?

A few thoughts for Dr. Emmert:  Someone that is a convicted felony criminal should be banned from all College Athletics FOREVER!  Secondly, if someone is under investigation for any criminal act (bar fights, rape, minor theft)…they should be barred from playing until the charges are resolved.  Thirdly, Athletes that use Performance Enhancing Drugs….should be banned from NCAA events for three years – then put on probation for another three years.  Fourth, Athletes that change schools from their Junior to Senior year….should lose one year of College eligibility.  Fifth, it should take endemic payments to five or more college athletes or a period of one year which exceed’s $5000 dollars in cash, goods or services  in a given sport to issue the “SMU Death Penalty”.    Sixth, any athlete that receives Autos (either Leased or as a Gift), Rent (either paid monthly or over a period of a year), Junkets or Trips (either given to the athlete or any member of his family or friends)….should all result in banning that athlete for three years in any NCAA event or Championship.

Cleaning up sports in this country will only begin when the NCAA either cleans up its act and re-organize with teeth and Federal oversight or that the penalties against athletic organizations, schools and colleges, Alumni Organizations and anyone willing to fill the pockets of anyone connected with competition events in this country.  Dr. Emmert is in a tough position.  If he calls for the re-organization of the NCAA he will be fired….no doubt.  If he is replaced by someone with the same or less resolve…….nothing is going to change.  The Competition Committee of the NCAA needs to fully disclose their proceedings and make sure that every Sports and Media organization gets their results on a monthly basis.  Good Luck Dr. Emmert….call the FBI and get started on changing the face of College Sports…..right now!


About Ron & Anna Winship

Independent News Producers/Writers and Directors for Parker-Longbow Productions. Independent Programming which includes a broad variety of Political, Entertainment and Professional Personalities. Cutting Edge - a talk show...is the flagship of over 30 URL websites developed or under development. The Winships have been blogging for the Orange Juice since back when nickels had buffalos on them, and men wore onions attached to their belts, because it was the fashion back then.