SB29, limiting Red-Light Cameras — It’s About Time!




(Reprinted in its entirety with permission from Eddie’s Corner, the blog of Eddie Rose at

Every once in a while, there is a bill introduced in the California State legislature that actually makes sense.  Such is the case with SB29, introduced by Senator Joe Simitian (D, Palo Alto), and subsequently approved in the State Senate.

SB29 addresses the use of red-light cameras at various intersections throughout the state.  The bill requires a “demonstrable safety need” before red-light cameras can be installed.  SB29 would establish statewide standards for operating and installing such red-light cameras.

Of course, cities love red-light cameras because they serve as an easy source of revenue for the cities.  I am not against red-light cameras per  se but, as Sen. Simitian correctly points out, traffic tickets should be used “to improve public safety (and) not to raise revenue”.  Amen!!!

The Honorable Eddie Rose

Former Laguna Niguel (CA) City Councilman

“A Voice—Not an Echo”

About Eddie Rose