OJ community efforts work! – good news on OC Fairgrounds and Fed Audit

I was like a broken record this past November-thru-January, asking you all to contact OC politicians and the governor to stop the sale of our Fairgrounds to a private developer. “Derail the Sale” we called that campaign. It succeeded thanks to YOU; Costa Mesa has managed to work out a deal to buy it instead; and just when it was looking like some profiteers could still get their dirty paws into the deal at the last minute (more on that in a future post) the Costa Mesa council voted 3 to 1 (with Mansoor on the wrong side – MUCH more on that later) to go with the consortium that offers complete local control and keeping the Fair as is – “American Fairs & Festivals.”

I’ve also asked you all a few times recently to sign petitions to include an audit of the Federal Reserve in the current Financial Reform bill – a cause championed by the House’s greatest libertarian Ron Paul, Democrat-with-guts Alan Grayson, and America’s Socialist Senator Bernie Sanders (i.e. freaks and rebels like us at the Juice.)  Well, that measure, despite being initially opposed by President Obama and other powerful interests, sailed through the Senate unanimously yesterday – and you just know that wouldn’t have happened without all you Orange Juice readers!

Next up – we’re going to make sure Loretta fights for the DREAM Act, and then make it pass. (Post later today)  The sky is the limit, Juice Community!

About Vern Nelson

Greatest pianist/composer in Orange County, and official political troubadour of Anaheim and most other OC towns. Regularly makes solo performances, sometimes with his savage-jazz band The Vern Nelson Problem. Reach at vernpnelson@gmail.com, or 714-235-VERN.