Melissa Fox wants higher taxes but voters prefer cuts in spending

There will be no Obama bump for Melissa Fox in the June Primary

You have to give Melissa Fox, one of two Democratic Party candidates running for the 70th Assembly District, some credit.  At lease she doesn’t try to pretend that she is a fiscal conservative.

Fox advocates scrapping “the requirement that tax increases must win a two-thirds vote,” according to the O.C. Weekly.  She also wants “Republicans to abandon their party’s anti-tax stance.”

The bad news for Fox is that a Field Poll released on March 2, of this year, made it very clear that California voters do not want higher taxes.  They want reductions in spending:

California voters favor spending cuts over tax increases as the primary means of dealing with the state’s projected $20 billion budget deficit. Statewide 50% prefer that the state’s budget deficit be closed either entirely or mostly through spending cuts. Just 13% favor doing so solely or mostly through tax increases. Another 29% favor an equal mix of spending cuts and tax hikes.

Will the voters in the 70th Assembly District back a candidate who wants to increase our tax burden, during the worst recession in modern times?

No way!  Incumbent Chuck DeVore, who is termed out, won by over 30,000 votes in 2008 – with Barack Obama atop the ballot.  This year is a different scenario.  The Democrats are in disarray.  If anything, the GOP margin of victory in November might be even bigger.

Why would Fox make raising taxes the centerpiece of her campaign?  Who the heck is advising this sorry candidate?

About Art Pedroza